Evolution of Education

  • Desegregation

    With the ruling of Brown v. The Board of Education, schools were no longer allowed to stay segregated (Hall, Quinn, & Gollnick, 2015, p. 199).
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

    In an effort to decrease the learning gap between non-impoverished, and impoverished children, this mandate was set into effect to close that gap and feed the students who were at a lower income. It has been re-enacted every time it was supposed to end (Social Welfare History Project , 2016).
  • Title IX mandate

    As of this date, title IX was passed into law and has changed how education is viewed today by prosecuting discrimination based on sex. (Department of Justice, 2015)
  • Religion and Evolution in Schools

    Evolution has been a hot seat subject in schools, but intelligent design had its limelight as well. Unfortunately teaching intelligent design is unconstitutional ("The Talkorigins Archive", 2006).
  • Tenure and equivalent education

    Tenure is helpful for teachers who have been around enough, but doesn't it affect the quality of education? In the court case Vergara v California (2012-14), proves just that. California has robbed those children of the equal education they deserve (Mehlhorn, 2016).
  • Trans Equality

    People who identify as transgender have every right to go to the bathroom of their assigned gender although some people may disagree. Getting on to sports teams is hard but it is worse if you're trans. Minnesota believes that they deserve to play sports like any one else (Holpuch, 2014).
  • Testing Trauma

    Standardized testing has taken the fun out of learning and we need to cut back on the preparation for testing. Legislature has made a 5% cap, only 40/900 learning hours can be used (Veiga, 2015).
  • Every Student...

    Obama signs the Every student succeeds act. This act is a better more efficient program to help students in need (Hall, 2015). This act replaces the original Elementary and Secondary Education Act.