Evolution of Democracy

  • 507


    507 BCE
    Athenian leader Cleisthens introduced a system of political reforms he called demokratia System had three Branches
    Ekklesia: a sovereign body who wrote laws and dictated foreign policy
    Boule: council of representatives from all ten of the Athenian tribes
    Dikasteria: the popular courts where citizens argued cases before a group of lottery selected jurors
  • 509


    509 Rome declared a republic after the people (mostly noble) rebelled against the king and he was sent away. All power was in the rich upper class. All upper class ruled over the less welathy people. Created a new democratic institution called the Senate.
  • Apr 27, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    1215 King John forced to sign the Magna Carta. He outlined a number of provisions where the power of the monarchy would be restricted and the rights of the citizens safeguarded. There was certain thigns the king was not allowed to do such as steal firewood from people or confiscate horses.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The first true democracy was created. Americans could vote and the powers of the government were restricted so that no one branch could have too much power. Women could not vote until 1919
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Rooted in the spirit of Democracy. The middle class of France rose to overthrow their monarch King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Power fell to Napoleon who tried to take over Europe.
  • Communism

    1848 Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto outlining Communism. 1917 Vladamir Lenin was able to over throw the Russian Tzar. Stalin rose to power in USSR
  • Fascism

    Mussolini rose to power in Italy. Used violence to kepp order with his people. Hitler also found himself and rose to power causing millions to die after the holocaust.
  • Nazism

    Hitler rose to power getting lots of people to follow him. Had a hatred of the jews and thought everyone need blonde hair and blue eyes. Killed millions of jews for no reason simply becasue he didn't like them.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The tragedies witnessed during WWII made the world realize that if Human Rights were not protected these atrocities would only continue. UN pledged that human beings have a right to live and work without abuse from governments