Evolution of Democracy

  • 700 BCE


  • 509 BCE


  • 507


    Greeks had the first democracy. In 507 the leader of Athens introduced a system that let the people rule. There were three branches in the system, a sovereign body that wrote laws and directed foreign policy, a council of representatives from each tribe and a branch that the people would go to to argue thier cases. In ancient Greece only men over the age of 18 who were born as well as thier parents in Greece were considered citezens, they also had to own land in Greece.
  • 509


    In 509 CE Rome declared a republic after the people overthrew the King. Rome was never fully a democracy as it was run only by the rich. The common people eventually fought to win more rights and have more of a say in the republic. The common people created a new democratic system called a senate which gave them more of a say, though only the upper class could be senators. To be considered a citizen in Rome you had to be a man and you had to be free. The republic fell in 27 BCE
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    In 1215 King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta restricted the monarch so that the rights of the citizens could be preserved. It stated that a King could not steal firewood from lands other than its own, force a widow to re-marry, force knights to pay a fine for taking time off, confiscate carts or horses and finally force villagers to build bridges over rivers. Thsi was very significant because it restriceted a King and it was the seeds of the British Parliment.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution lasted 6 years and was the reason the first true democracy was created. It was considered the first true democracy becasue the people could vote and no branch could have too much power. The three branches (Legislative, Executive and Judicial) had the power to over rule one of the other branches if the other branch was abusing its power. Even though it was considered the first true democracy, women were not allowed to vot until 1919 as well slaves for a very long time.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    In 1789 the middle class in France rose up against the monarch and beheaded King Loius XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Though after they destroyed the monarch Napolian was put in power, he became corrupt and ruled France much like an autocratic leader would.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    In 1848 Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto which outlined Communism.
  • Communism In Russia

    Communism In Russia
    In 1917 Vlademir Lenin overthrew the Russian Tzar and made Russia a communist country. After Lenin came Stalin who killed 20-30 million Russians through purges and starvation. It was becasue of Stalin that the world entered the Cold War.
  • Nazism In Germany

    Nazism In Germany
    In the 1920s Hitler started the Nazi party whch led to the start of WW2. Hitler gained complete power of Germany in 1934 when he became the Fuhrer of Nazi Germany. Hitler led Germany with a very totalitariansim point of view. Hitler started WW2 which cause the death of 55 million people, 6 of which were Jews and 5 that were enimies of the state.
  • Fascism In Italy

    Fascism In Italy
    Right after WW1, Mussolini rose to power and made Italy a fascist country. He kept order through the use of his black shirts and brute force. Italy had a fascist government for 21 years until Mussolini was ousted in 1943.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    In 1948 the UN declared that humans had the right to live and work without abuse from their governments. Though this hasnt been that effective, there are still many countries who abuse thier people. The UN also declared that all people are born free and equal and all have the right to life, liberty and the security of person.