1st succesfull punch card
Herman Hollerith made a punch card that saved the goverment
$5 millon dollars. -
J.V. Atanaoff and Clifford Berry
Atanaoff and Berry build the first computer that can store information. -
Electronic Nurmecal Integer and Calculater
John Mauchly and j. pesper eckert buildt which is considered the grandfather of the dightl computer and takes 20ft. by 40ft. room!! -
Robert Metcalfe desigened the first Ethernet cable. -
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
Jobs and Woznaik designed the Apple Computer(Apple 1). -
Personal Computers
Personal Computers where being bought in stores(trs-80). -
Apple 2
Jobs and Wonzniak designed the Aplle 2 computer which has color graphics. -
Apple Lisa
The Apple Lisa was the first to be consideried a laptop. -
"Microsoft announces Windows, its response to Apple’s GUI. "
- Kim Zimmerman -
The term of wifi became part of computer language. -
Sony released the 1st Play Station. -
Apple reviles the Mac OS X operating system. -
Redfox V.S. Internet Explorer
Mozilla’s Redfox and Windows Internet Explorer go against each other to battle for top seachering enighen. -
Apple came out with Iphone which is like a computer in a smartphone. -
"Apple unveils the iPad, changing the way consumers view media"