2016 10 18 2058

The Historical Evolution of Communication

  • 30,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    Cave paintings constitute the first methods of communication in history. Ancient people used to record the most important events through paintings, where they used different symbols to give a meaning for what they drew.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Development of Symbols

    During this time, different symbols and signs were developed in order to narrate stories through the drawings that represented ideas and thoughts. The Rock Arts, Chinese charracters and the Alphabets were the main creations for communication during this period.
  • 1440


    Newspapers are important communication channels used until today. It was introduced in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg, where the news were reported and narrated.
    They include national and international events.
  • Postal System

    As knowledge increased, individuals began to employ courier services. Through postal services, letters may be sent from one person to another. India, China, Persia, and Rome all had these systems in place. A postal system was created in 1653 by a Frenchman named De Valyer. Mailbox usage and letter delivery were handled by the system.
  • Telegraph

    With financial assistance from Congress, Morse constructed a telegraph network in 1843 that connected Washington, D.C., to Baltimore. Different businesses developed their own telegraph networks in other regions of the nation as they started to realize the telegraph's influence.
  • Landline Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the Landline telephone in 1876. Signals encoded with human speech were sent by the devices. Following then, these signals were sent across cables. The 1900s saw the advent of landline telephone service. Through great distances, people might converse on calls for hours.
  • Radio

    News and entertainment are both available to people through radios. The study and testing of wireless transmissions was done in-depth. The researchers experimented with sharing content while using wireless power. The first radio news program was broadcast by station 8MK in Detroit, Michigan.
  • Television

    The first genuine television demonstration was presented in 1927 in front of 50 scientists in central London by Scottish engineer John Baird. With his new creation, Baird established the Baird Television Development Company, which in 1928 successfully transmitted the first transatlantic television signal between London and New York as well as the first television signal to a ship in the middle of the Atlantic. The initial demonstrations of color television are also attributed to Baird.
  • Internet

    The Internet is said to have its formal birthday on January 1, 1983. Before this, there was no common method for connecting the many computer networks. The World Wide Web was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. The internet is powered by satellites. We can look for anything in the world. Wi-Fi wireless links first appeared in 1991. Since then, it appears that internet addiction has spread. The internet is now used in every aspect of our daily life, businesses, and educational institutions.
  • Text Message

    Text messages may be sent through a variety of network providers. Engineer Neil Papworth transmitted the first text message in 1992. Since that time, text messaging has become a quick game. Text messages provide immediate communication. Online chat applications have been released with the development of the internet. People can connect with these applications. They text each other and share them online.
  • E-mail

    When the internet first came out, electronic messages gained popularity. Emails existed before the ARPANET, but they were "offline." John Vittal created an email organization program in 1975. Email began to make up 75% of ARPANET traffic at that point. Founded in 1994, Yahoo! Other mailing services, such Hotmail and Google Mail, came after it.
  • Social Media (from 2004 until Today)

    The usage of social media platforms is the most recent method of communication in the digital age. Due to the widespread usage of smartphones, where social media applications are simple to set up, it has become more accessible. Facebook was founded by Zuckerberg in 2004. YouTube is the first widely used social media platform for uploading videos in 2005. Twitter seized control of the social media landscape in 2006. Today, there are new apps like Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok.