Evolution of Cell Phones

  • The first mobile phone service is established

    The first service created for mobile phones opened up in St. Louis, MO.
  • The term "cell" comes into play

    AT & T proposed splitting phone service into different areas across the cities. These areas were called "cells".
  • The first cell phone is tried

    Dr. Martin Cooper invented a portable hand-held phone
  • The cell phone goes public

    The first public cell phones were put out by Motorola.
  • The flip phone is introduced

    Motorola came out with a new design where the mouth piece flipped over the top of the keypad.
  • Text messaging is developed

    Developers in Europe came up with a way to send written messages over the phone.
  • The first smart phone is invented

    The smart phone could send and receive emails and messages, but it didn't have a speaker or microphone.
  • A camera phone is made

    A company called Sanyo made a phone that could snap pictures.
  • The Cell Phone Recycle Act

    A law was passed in California that said cell phone companies had to allow customers to return old cell phones to be recycled.
  • The Apple iPhone is released

    Apple released its first iPhone and it changed the cellular industry. It featured a touch screen and allowed users to do almost anything they could do from a home computer.