Cell phones over the years

Evolution of Cell Phones

  • First Cell Phone Created

    First Cell Phone Created
    The first cell phone was created on April 3, 1973. It was a Motorola cell phone that was used to place a call from midtown Manhattan to headquarters of Bell Labs in New Jersey by Dr. Martin Cooper.
  • Period: to

    Evolution of Cell Phones

    The timespan of cell phones.
  • Cell Phones go Public

    Cell Phones go Public
    It took 10 years for the technology invented by Dr. Martin Cooper to go public. First cell phones were put out by Motorola​
  • First Flip Phone Created

    First Flip Phone Created
    The first flip phones were created by Motorola that had a flap over the keyboard.
  • Text Messaging is developed

    Text Messaging is developed
    Europeans create a way to send written messages over the phone. They called it texting.
  • First Smart Phone/Camera Phone

    First Smart Phone/Camera Phone
    The first smartphone created could send messages/emails, but required a headset to talk on the phone. A company named Sanyo created a phone that could snap pictures.
  • Apple Creates the iPhone.

    Apple Creates the iPhone.
    Apple created the first iPhone​ that allowed people to do anything on the handheld device that they could do on the computer. This changed the way we lived.
  • The Growth of Smart Phones.

    The Growth of Smart Phones.
    About 2.5 billion people worldwide use smartphones.
    In America, 95% of people use smartphones and 77% of them use smart phones.