Evolution of Cell Phones

By JTrimp
  • First Cell Phone Call

    First Cell Phone Call
    The first public cell phone call was made on April 3rd 1973 by Martin Cooper chairman and chief executive of ArrayComm. He called Joel Engel head of rival research firm Bell Labs. He made the call on a DynaTAC prototype.
  • MicroTAC

    in 1989 Motarolla came out with the MicroTAC. This phone had a collapsible antennae and was able to flip closed.This phone costed consumers up to $2,500.
  • The Synergy

    The Synergy
    in 1997 Phillips Consumer Communications comes out with a digital smartphone the Synergy. This phone gave acces to email, internet and faxes.
  • Danger Hiptop

    Danger Hiptop
    in 2002 the Danger Hiptop came out. On this you could browse the web, check e-mail and instant message. It also had personal assistance apps, a digital camera and few video games. It had a flip out screen and a keyboard, popular for texting.
  • Razr

    In 2004 Motarolla came out with the Razr. very pockatable flip phone phone, that was a good size. Was a sure fire hit among the fashion forward crowd.
  • IPhone

    On january 9th 2007 apple introduced the IPhone at the Maxc world conference in San Diego. The IPhone combined the featrures of a cellphone, computer and multimedia player.
  • IPhone 3G

    IPhone 3G
    Aplle announces the IPhone 3G. 3G networking, black and white colors.
  • IPhone3GS

    Iphone comes out wuth the 3GS.
  • Fire Phone

    Fire Phone
    In June 2014 Amazon came out with the Fire Phone. Came with a better camera, 3D features and firefly technology.