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Evolution of Anesthesiology

  • What is an Anesthesiologist?

    What is an Anesthesiologist?
    An Anesthesiologist is a doctor that performs Anesthesia on a patient. When William T.G. Morton first performed anesthesia on a patient he became the first Anesthesiologist he is also known as the "Father of Anesthesia".
  • Epidural like in the 1900s

    Epidural like in the 1900s
    In the 1900s,at least one U.S doctor used cocaine as an anesthetic during labor or as the writer of "Journal Local and Regional Anesthesia" called it a "cocainiztion of the spinal cord".
  • Procedures in the Early 1900s

    Procedures in the Early 1900s
    No matter what happen to the patient the doctors always used the same drug which was Cocaine. Although this is an addictive drug they never give too much they use the real definition of anesthesia which means lack of pain so it will not always completely take away all of the pain.
  • Who Was the First Anesthesiologist?

    Who Was the First Anesthesiologist?
    Although, William Thomas Green Morton was the first dentist to publicly use inhaled anesthesia on a patient in 1846. HE didnt get is name as Anesthesiologist until 1902
  • Cocaine used for Epidurals

    Cocaine used for Epidurals
    In the decades after the cocaine was being used, doctors began using flexible tubes called catheters to deliver the medicine. The end of the tube was inserted under the skin and was used to deliver the drug whenever it was needed, so doctors didn't have to continuously poke laboring women with needles. But these epidurals were still a long way off from those of today.
  • Risks/Side Effects of The Old Method of Anesthetic

    Risks/Side Effects of The Old Method of Anesthetic
    The effects were:
    1. Baby could be Premature
    2. Loss of baby
    3. Addiction to parent
  • Specialty Development of Anesthesiologist

    Specialty Development of Anesthesiologist
    In 1927 Ralph M. Waters had an opportunity to develop a program when he was in charge of the anesthesia service at the new State Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Waters became actively involved in research. He developed close ties with other anesthesiologists such as John S. Lundy, Paul M. Wood, and Francis H. McMechan, who also shared his views.
  • History Of Anesthesiology

    History Of Anesthesiology
    Anesthetics began to spread around the world. After World War II ended in 1945, major developments in the field of anesthesiology opened new turns of medical and surgical care that would no one would think of.
  • General Anesthesia

    General Anesthesia
    General anesthesia is an anesthetic used to induce unconsciousness during surgery. The medicine is either inhaled through a breathing mask or tube, or given through an intravenous (IV) line. A breathing tube may be inserted into the windpipe to maintain proper breathing during surgery.,P01391
  • Procedures in the 2000s

    Procedures in the 2000s
    Unlike the 1900s, the doctors use different types of Anesthesia for certain parts of the body.The three main types are General, Regional, and Local. General Anesthesia refers to total body sedation. An injection of anesthetic at the actual site of surgery is called local anesthesia which is only used for small areas. Regional anesthetics are used for the larger parts of the body.
  • Epidurals For the 2000s

    Epidurals For the 2000s
    Anesthetics, such as bupivacaine, chloroprocaine, or lidocaine are being used for epidural procedures. They are often delivered in combination with opioids or narcotics such as fentanyl and sufentanil in order to lower the dosage of local anesthetic.
  • Schooling for Anesthesiologist

    Schooling for Anesthesiologist
    In 2007 you had to go to school to become anesthesiologist whereas in the year of 800-1900 you just had to either perform or create an anesthesia.
  • 2015 Salary

    2015 Salary
    Since there are more and more surgerys from day to day the salary is continuously increasing.The salary for an Anesthesiologist int 2015 was $357,116 United States Dollars.
  • Risks/Side Effects of Anesthesia

    Risks/Side Effects of Anesthesia
    The most common side effects are sore throat, nausea and headache.
  • Anesthesiologist Salary 2018

    Anesthesiologist Salary 2018
    Anesthesiology salary is $372,079, as of May 30, 2018, with a range usually between $322,343-$421,835, however this can change a lot depending on a variety of factors.