
Evolution Of Air Planes

  • First Plane Flies

    First Plane Flies
    Orville and Wilbur Wright fly the first controllable air plane. Out of a 12 Horse Power internal combustion engine and more plane parts, the plane flew for about 12 seconds, and for 120 feet. Orville was the first one to pilot it. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-airplane-flies
  • World War 1 Planes

    World War 1 Planes
    The increase in conflict lead to them seeing planes as potential weapons so they improved the planes for higher altitude, speed, durability, and suitable to carry and fire weapons. Planes improved a lot and were used by many countries. In WWI the primary warfare was in trenches, so air superiority was essential to guaranteed victory. They could attack at night, drop bombs, and easily overwhelm the enemy on the ground from above. http://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft/ww1-aircraft.asp
  • First Non-Stop Flight Across The Atlantic

    First Non-Stop Flight Across The Atlantic
    Charles Lindbergh flies a non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. The man flies from New York to Paris in one flight. He flew in a Ryan monoplane named Spirit of St. Louis. This shows how much planes improved in just about 20 years. http://www.charleslindbergh.com/history/
  • First Jet Engine Designed

    First Jet Engine Designed
    Jet engines designed independently by Britain’s Frank Whittle and Germany’s Hans von Ohain make their first test runs. Two years after that the design took to the skies and was much more powerful than previous designs. Jet engine planes are much faster than other planes giving whoever has them the advantage in battle.
  • WW2 Further Develops Planes

    WW2 Further Develops Planes
    Another world war starts making the nations work even harder on advancing their military. Countries worked on the airplane and how to improve it. British develop a plane radar tracker. Germans make first jet fighter.
  • Sound barrier broken

    Sound barrier broken
    As man learns the ways of the aircraft they develop a plane faster than the speed of sound. U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager becomes the fastest man alive when he pilots the Bell X-1 faster than sound.
  • Modern Planes

    Modern Planes
    Modern planes are really something. Planes have drastically improved in just a span of around 100 years. With this must progress this fast we can only imagine whats to come.