Period: to
Birth of Carl Linnaeus
Famous for his work in Taxonomy, the science of identifying, naming and classifying organisms. Wrote an essay on classifying plants based on their sexual parts. -
Jean-Baptoste Lamarck was born
He thought that as time goes on, animals will adapt to their environment. However he thought taht this was an instantatious process, not one that takes hundreds of years. -
Georges Cuvier was born
Thought of organisms as integrated wholes, in which each part's form and function are integrated into teh entire body. -
James Hutton proposed geological theory of gradualism.
Gradulism is the theory that says that profound change is teh cumulative product of slow, but continuous processes. -
Publication of Thomas Robert Malthus' Essay on the Priciple of Population.
He used the alias Joseph Johnson. It is known as teh most influential book on population of the era. -
Charles Darwin was born
He figured out taht all species descend over time from common ancestors. He also came up woith natural selcetion, a process in which there is a strugle to survive and only the strongest, or those with the rights traits survive. -
Charles Lyell proposed geological theory of uniformitarianism
Charles started out as a lawyer, then became a geologist. He studied at Oxford under William Buckland, until William tried to match the most resent mnatural disaster to Noah's flood in teh bible. -
Voyage of the Beagle published by Charles Darwin
This book is a detailed memoir of biology, geology and anthropology writen by Charles darwin durign his five year voyage of teh HMS Beagle. -
Charles Darwin wrote an unpublished essay on natural selection.
Charles Darwin wrote and unpublished essay tat was later taken and combined with an essay writen by Alfred Russel Wallace to make On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection, which was published in 1858 -
Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species.
The full title of teh work is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" -
Publication of Gregor Johann Mendel's experiments on heredity
Johann worked for years with pea plants in order to figure out why children look like their parents. -
Friedrich Miescher isolated DNA
He was the first person to discover that DNA was a distinct molecule. -
Friedrich Leopold August Weismann demonstrated important role of nucleus in heredity
Showed that mutilatig a parent will not change the look of the child. -
Walter Sutton demonstrated chromosomes carry units of Mendelian heredity
He was able to see 11 chromosomes during meisosis, as well as teh sex chromosomes.