Timeline of the Evolution of the Connellarian Government (for Mr. Connell's Civ&Gov Class)

  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Civil war erupts after the increasingly authoritarian President of the Terran Federation attempts to seize power and become a dictator. Planetary governments on Rebel-held worlds are replaced by interim governments. After twenty years of civil war, Terra is captured by the Rebels. President Xander Caldwell (and much of his staff) dies during the capture of Terra's capitol city.
  • Period: to

    Delegation Debates What Next

    Representatives from all victorious worlds meet in the ruins of the Terran Palace to discuss where to go next. For transparency's sake, the event is livestreamed to every planet in the now-defunct Federation. It becomes obvious quite quickly that no one has any faith in the old order and it would be best to just tear it down and build anew. After months of debating, the Constitution of Confederation is created and sent to each of the former Federation worlds for approval.
  • Constitution of Confederation Ratified

    The last worlds in the former Federation have ratified the Constitution of Confederation and are now free to choose to either keep and improve their interim planetary government or choose and form a new one.
  • Confederation of Terran Worlds Created

    The last worlds in the former Federation have ratified the Constitution of Confederation and are now free to choose to either keep and improve their interim planetary government or choose and form a new one.
  • Connellaria Comes to it's Decision

    Connellaria (the actual focus of this whole exercise because I am not doing a giant project here) comes to the decision to form a constitutional monarchy for their planetary government. All representatives from the interim government are being transferred to the lower house of Parliament, the monarch will be the last surviving descendant of Connellaria's founder and the upper house will be appointed by the monarch.
  • First Draft of Connellarian Constituiton Posted

    First draft of Connellarian constitution is written while the entire Constitution Committee pulls a fourty-eight hour all-nighter to meet the deadline for posting the first draft and is subsequently posted on the Connellarian datanet for comments and suggestions. The ensuing debate goes about as well as you'd expect for an internet debate.
  • Second Draft is Posted

    Taking concerns from the population about the potential for governmental overreach and a lack of firmly laid out protected rights of the people into account, the second draft more clearly defines the jurisdiction of the monarch, the upper house and lower houses of Parliament and the local governments. It too gets posted on the datanet.
  • Final Draft is Posted & Sent to Local Governments for Ratification

    Final draft is posted on the datanet and sent to local governments for ratification.
  • Ratification Complete!

    December 5th – Connellarian Constitution is ratified by last local government.
  • Coronation Day & First Day of New Government

    Connellarian monarch is crowned, appointments for the upper house of Parliament are announced and first session of Parliament's lower house begins.
  • Period: to

    The Month-Long Revolt

    Armed conflict breaks out as hidden Federation loyalists come out of hiding and revolt. The revolt somehow manages to last a month before disintegrating after the revolt's leadership is killed in a skirmish with authorities.
  • Work Begins on Higher Courts

    Realizing that the local justice systems are woefully inadequate to handle more severe violations of the law alongside lesser offenses, work begins on creating higher courts that can handle the more severe offenses so the lower courts won't be so swamped.