Evita Peron was born May 7th, 1919. Her parents were Juan Duarte and Juana Ibarguren. Her full name was Eva Duarte de Peron. -
Her Father's Death
In 1925, her father Juan Duarte died in a car accident. He died 5 years before Evita’s movie career as an actress. His wife shunned Peron and her family at the funeral. -
Moving to Buenos Aires
In 1930, her family moved to Junin, a city in the province of Buenos Aires. There, Eva's sister, became a teacher. Also, Eva's mother took in boarders, cooked and worked as a seamstress. -
Her First Film Role
In 1937, she landed her first film role in Segundos Afuera. Then, she got a contract to perform on the radio. After that Eva continued to work in stage productions as well over the next few years. -
Great Success
In 1943, she enjoyed one of her greatest successes. Eva signed on to portray a number of famous women on a special radio series. That gave her the chance to play the likes of Queen Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great. -
In 1945, she married Juan Peron, a colonel and government official. Juan became of Argentina the following year. Eva proved to be a powerful political influence. -
Asked to Run as Vice President
In 1951, Eva was asked to run as vice president with her husband. Then, she faced opposition by the army. She ultimately turned down the post. -
Last Public Appearance
In June 1952, she made her last public appearance. She made it at her husband's second inauguration. Then, the following month, she discovered her illness. -
On July 26th, 1952, Eva died from cervical cancer in Buenos Aires. She was given a funeral fit for a head of state. That showed how much public support she had from the Argentine people at the time. -
After Death
In 1979, Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the hit musical Evita. Which was based on her life. Madonna played her 1966 film version with Antonio Banderas and Che Guevara.