Falkland Islands War
1982: When happened Falkland Islands War in 1982, Argentina and the Great Britain fought over the dispute and control of the Falkland Islands, but I hadn’t been born. -
Period: to
Evidence: Timelines by Andrea Carolina Romero Lucena
Discovered the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
1983: I had already been born when Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier discovered the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as agent responsible for the acquired immunodeficiency síndrome also called AIDS. -
The volcano of Ruiz in the Andes mountains of Colombia, did a eruption
1985: Just when I had turned three years old, the volcano of Ruiz in the Andes mountains of Colombia, did a eruption that finished killing more than 23,000 people, injuring over 5,000, and destroying the town of Armero in the Tolima. -
The fall of the Berlin wall
1989: The fall of the Berlin wall symbolized the end of the cold war for divided country for 40 years, this happened by the time I was seven years. -
The first mammal in this case a sheep had been cloned
1997: The first mammal in this case a sheep had been cloned from an adult cell by the time I was fifteen. -
Twin towers and Pentagon were attacked by Islamic extremist group “Al Qaeda”
2001: Before twin towers and Pentagon were attacked by Islamic extremist group “Al Qaeda”. I had graduated of Institute Nacional of education secundary. -
Tsunami in Indian Ocean
2004: When I was studying fiveth semester in the University of Tolima, I had just happened a tsunami in Indian Ocean by an earthquake called Sumatra-Andaman, causing more than 280,000 deaths. -
Barack Obama became the first African American president
2008: I had already been graduated as profesional in Biology, when Barack Obama became the first African American president of the United States. -
Syria´s civil war started
2012: By the time I had found a new job in Villavicencio city, until now Syria´s civil war started by discontent with the Syrian government. -
Donald Trump was the president of the United States
2016: When Donald Trump was the president of the United States, I hadn’t started to study my maestry. -
The Notre Dame catedral in Paris france burn!!
2019: While the Notre Dame catedral in Paris france burn, I was finishing maestry in Biotechnology. -
Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic
2020: I had already begun Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic that originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan in december . As soon as I had Heard, I decided preparing to stay in home during the pandemic.