Evidence: Timelines Brayan Ortiz

  • 1983

    When the earthquake destroyed Popayan, I hadn’t been born.
  • 1991

    I was not born yet,when in Colombia the political constitution was enacted
  • 1993

    Colombia beat Argentina five goals to zero when was not had born
  • 2001

    Colombians conquer the summit of Everest when was not had born
  • 2002

    was not had born when Alvaro Uribe Velez was president of Colombia
  • 2004

    When Prince Felipe de Borbon is married I was one year old
  • 2006

    aprendí a caminar when Augusto Pinochet died.
  • 2013

    For the first time, Colombia has a saint when I was in 6th grade of school
  • 2014

    When I traveled to visit my family in a far distant city, the Colombian team reached the quarterfinals at the World Cup in Brazil
  • 2017

    When I learned play the guitar, Donald Trump became president of the United States
  • 2020

    A pandemic was generated by a virus called COVID-19 when I was 17, and I graduated from school