Evidence: Time Line

  • Berlin Wall Fall

    The Berlin Wall had fallen 4 monunts ago (Novembwer 1989) to i was born (February 1990)
  • Building DAS attempt and explosion

    When i was in my mohter stomach, there was an attempt and explosion outside of the Security Administraive Department Building (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad, in spanish acronym).
  • Nelson Mandela won the South Africa elections.

    By the time I was 4, Nelson Mandela won the fist democratic elections made in South Africa afther the apartheid ending.
  • Diana Princes death

    I was watching televison with my family when I knew about of Diana pincess death´s. In that moment, my chilhood, it made me feel sad.
  • Mother Teresa of Caluta death

    Shortly afther of the Diana princess die, mother Teresa followed her. She die in India. I wathched this new on television, too.
  • New millenium Begining (the same day of my grandma birhday)

    My grandmother turns a new year the same day to the year change. Always we celebrate both of them, and that day was special because started a new millenium and she were alive and healthy with us.
  • World Trade Center (NY, EEUU) Attempt

    That day was terrible. I had studing almost all of my student journal. One hour for the classes ending, and my school was felt cold and silent. I was 11 years old, and not understood a lot of things, but this was diferent. I felt a bit empty, fearful and angustied for the amount of that event.
  • Irak invaded for EEUU

    Almost two years after to 911 attempt, the US president, Gerge Bush son, whit other nations invade Irak. They told to the world that in Irak there was nueclear bombs, somthing not checked yet, and get into that country with other trully intension, the petrolium.
  • Tsunami, earthquake and accident in Fukishima nueclear center

    I don´t remember well what I was did when it happened, but I know that it is the biggest nueclear accident in XXI century, and the second in the history, after Chernobyl. Many people went to help, clean and descontaminate the radiaton in that places, many give their lifes for our lives, others still alive but sick because. Japan show us again the strong and nobility of a big part of his people.
  • Robie Williams death

    Robin Williams die when i was living in Argentina. I couldn´t believe that. I always like his movies, I saw him and appreciated his actuations, I loved his pappers in almost all his films: The bicentenary men, Patch Adams, What dreams may come, Jumanji... He did many good works, and when he die, the world did stayed without one of the best.