
Everything for a Dog

By hopec
  • Exposition Three: Characters

    Exposition Three: Characters
    Charlie Elliot, Henry Elliot, Bone (Simon, Buddy), Mr. Elliot (Charlie's father), Mrs. Elliot (Charlie's mother), Mrs. Elliot (Henry's mother), Aunt Susan, Mr. Hanna, Antony, Owen, Letty Lewis, Squirrel, Isabel, Thad, Julie, Franklin, Estelle, Peter, Sal, Sophia, and Ginny.
  • Exposition Two: Setting (Charlie)

    Exposition Two: Setting (Charlie)
    Charlie lives in Lindenfield.
  • Exposition One: Background (Charlie)

    Exposition One: Background (Charlie)
    Charlie's brother RJ died by falling out of a tree to save Charlie's kite.. The family lived in Lindenfield with Mr. and Mrs. Elliot and their dog Sunny.
  • Rising Action (Charlie)

    Rising Action (Charlie)
    Charlie's mother went away to stay with Aunt Susan for the summer to get over her depression from her son's tragic death and gain some weight.
  • Rising Action (Charlie)

    Rising Action (Charlie)
    Charlie's dog, Sunny, was shot by a hunter and was killed.
  • Exposition One: Background (Henry)

    Exposition One: Background (Henry)
    Henry has lived in a small town called Claremont all his life and has always wanted a dog,
  • Exposition One: Background (Bone)

    Exposition One: Background (Bone)
    Bone grew up in the Merrion's shed as a puppy with his sister, Squirrel, and his mom.
  • Exposition Two: Setting (Bone)

    Exposition Two: Setting (Bone)
    Bone lives in Lindenfield
  • Exposition Two: Setting (Henry)

    Exposition Two: Setting (Henry)
    Henry lives in Claremont.
  • Rising Action (Henry)

    Rising Action (Henry)
    Henry's parents wouldn't let him get a dog because they don't want him to experience what Charlie had to go through when he was Henry's age. Henry's parents told him that he was not responsible enough to take care of a dog, so he tried being more responsible.
  • Rising Action (Bone)

    Rising Action (Bone)
    Bone got hurt many times in his life by many different people. For example, he was thrown out of a car and hurt his nose on the asphalt. Also, he got his front paw caught in a hunter's trap and was beat in the rump with a book.
  • Rising Action (Henry)

    Rising Action (Henry)
    Henry's friend, Matthew, moved away and Henry made new friends: Owen, Antony, Antony's brothers and sisters, Peter, Sal, Sophia, and Ginny.
  • Rising Action (Henry)

    Rising Action (Henry)
    Henry made friends with a dog (Bone) who he named Buddy. He created a rehabilitation plan to get Buddy to trust him and get his parents to like Buddy.
  • Climax

    You (the reader) find out that Charlie was Henry's father
  • Rising Action (Henry)

    Rising Action (Henry)
    Buddy got lost in the forest and Henry and his father set out to look for him and found him caught in a hunter's leg-hold trap.
  • Falling Action (Charlie)

    Falling Action (Charlie)
    Adult Charlie and his son, Henry, found Buddy in a trap in the woods in the snow.
  • Falling Action (Henry)

    Falling Action (Henry)
    Henry and his father found Buddy in the woods in a trap in the snow.
  • Falling Action (Bone)

    Falling Action (Bone)
    Bone was found in the woods by Henry and his father and they took him to the vet. When he was done healing, Bone was finally adopted by Henry and his family as Buddy.
  • Resolution (Charlie)

    Resolution (Charlie)
    Charlie was as caring to Buddy as he was to Sunny when he was younger.
  • Resolution (Henry)

    Resolution (Henry)
    Henry is having fun with his new friends, Antony and Owen and Buddy.
  • Resolution (Bone)

    Resolution (Bone)
    Bone is having a good time being Henry's dog and his best friend.