
Everything Everything Timeline

  • Olly Moves In

    Olly Moves In
    One morning, Madeline hears noises outside of her window. She goes towards the window and what she sees is not out of the ordinary. Someone is moving in across the street again. However, when she sees who it is, she is astounded. She sees a boy dressed in all black with his hair to the side. Butterflies enter her stomach and that is when she realizes that she must get in contact with this kid. However, she can not meet him because of her SCID which makes her incapable of leaving her house.
  • Sharing Emails

    Sharing Emails
    Madeline finishes dinner one night and runs straight up to her room to see if Olly is on his roof, where he usually hangs out. She notices that he is, so she tries to get his attention. When she eventually does, she tries to talk to him. After not succeeding at this, he writes his email on the window. Quickly after, they talk nonstop 24/7.
  • Carla Notices Something Fishy

    Carla Notices Something Fishy
    Carla is Madeline's nurse and best friend. She starts to realize that Madeline is looking out the window a little more than usual. She also notices that she is on her laptop typing away at every chance she gets. As soon as she notices it, she knows that it is Olly that Madeline is obsessing over. She talks to Madeline about it and tells her that as long as it stays under control that it will not cause any damage.
  • Olly and Madeline Meet Up

    Olly and Madeline Meet Up
    Madeline quickly starts to have the want to meet Olly after a little while of talking via email with him. She talks to Carla about the idea and convinces her that if they do not touch that it should not be a problem. The following day, Carla and Madeline wait for Madeline's mother to leave for work. When she leaves, she invites Olly over. He comes in and they stand in the sun room together across the room nowhere near each other. They talk and talk and talk until Olly has to leave.
  • Carla Gets Fired

    Carla Gets Fired
    After the incident with Madeline, her mother confronts Carla. She confronts her by saying that she suspects that she has been letting Olly into the house because Madeline would not just run out of the house to help a stranger. She fires Carla because she fears that she is a danger to her daughter.
  • Madeline Runs Away

    Madeline Runs Away
    Madeline starts to think about the world she is missing out on since she went outside. She realizes that if she dies doing something, she wants to die while living. She buys two plane tickets to Hawaii for her and Olly. Madeline sneaks out of her house and her and talks to Olly about the plan. He is nervous, but she tells him that she has pills that she can take, so that she does not die. She writes her Mom and note and they are quickly on their way.
  • Madeline's Heart Stops

    Madeline's Heart Stops
    Madeline and Olly are in Hawaii for almost a week when one morning, Madeline wakes up overheated and Olly fins that she is unconscious. He quickly calls an ambulance and her mother. They bring her to a hospital where she recovers and is brought back home. She emails Olly one last time before never talking to him again and tells him that the pills were fake and that it was better for him to not be in her life anymore.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    Everything in Madeline's life goes back to normal. She stays inside and does not go to the window anymore. She even barely goes on her laptop. Her mother brings Carla back for she thinks that it will make Madeline happier about everything that is going on. One day, Madeline gets a letter in the mail from the hospital about the tests that were ran on her of all types of diseases. It turns out that it is very unlikely that she has SCID and that she is allowed to go outside.
  • Madeline and Olly are Reunited

    Madeline and Olly are Reunited
    After Madeline finds out what her mother was keeping from her she confronts her about it and he mother cries to her saying that she is sorry. Madeline is quickly relieved that she does not actually have SCID and she decides that she wants to see Olly again. However Olly moved.
    She buys a ticket to New York City and goes to a book store where she hid the book that Olly gave her on a book shelf. Olly goes to pick the book out and Madeline appears and they reconnect.
  • Olly's Incident with his Father

    Olly's Incident with his Father
    Olly's father is an alcoholic and one day before Olly takes off to school they get into a little argument that turning into a physical fight. Olly sticks up for his Mom which turns in his father attacking him. Madeline sees this from outside of her window and runs out of her house in hopes to save Olly. As soon as she walks outside, her mother chases after her and grabs her to bring her back inside. She scolds Madeline and Madeline has no words to explain herself.