Willamina Fleming

By abbi24
  • Born

    Dundee, Scotland
  • Employment

    She was employed by Edward C. Pickering a professor of astronomy and director of the Harvard College
  • Edward Charles Pickering Fleming

    Williamina Flemings son was born
  • Brooklyn Bridge Opens

    Brooklyn Bridge Opens
    New York
  • "Harvard Computers"

    She was part of the group called "Havard Computers" she and 9 other women helped Edward Pickering. They were mathematicians.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    200+ captive Sioux massacred by US 7th Cavalry
  • First Nobel Peace Prizes Awarded

    First Nobel Peace Prizes Awarded
    Jean Henri Dunant and Frederic Passy receive the Nobel Peace Prize
  • During her Career

    Throughout her whole career, she discovered 10 novae, 59 gaseous nebulae, and more than 300 variable stars.
  • Pickering-Fleming System

    This is a system that could measure the amount of hydrogen in stars by their spectra. Invented by Williamina Fleming (could not find what year she created this)
  • Died

    Boston, Massachusets