Events to the Overthrow of Hawaii

  • Election

    Major Role Players: King David Kalakaua
    Year: 1874
    Explanation: King Kalakaua was elected in the year 1874 and reigned until the year 1891.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Major Role Players: Hawaii
    Year: 1875
    Explanation: As the sugar business became more popular and successful, and the prices went up extremely due to the civil war at the time, its success was recognized and many Americans were investing in the sugar business. It connected the U.S. and Hawaii even more. Hawaii had much control over the U.S’s sugar supply because of the south’s inability to transport sugar north.
  • Trip Around the World

    Trip Around the World
    Major Role Players: King David Kalakaua
    Year: 1881
    Explanation: King Kalakaua took a trip around the world trying to find sugar plantation workers. Encouraging immigration to come to Hawaii.
  • Bayonet Constitution

    Bayonet Constitution
    Major Role Players: King David Kalakaua, U.S. Gov.
    Year: 1887
    Explanation: King Kalakaua was held at gunpoint- thus the name of the constitution “Bayonet Constitution”. The U.S. was demanding that they be given access to Oahu's Pearl Harbor for boats and a repair station
  • Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom

    Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom
    Major Role Players: King David Kalakaua, Native Hawaiian Population
    Year: 1887
    Explanation: The Native Hawaiians looked up to try and restore the power and authority of King Kalakaua.
  • The McKinley Tariff

    The McKinley Tariff
    Major Role Players: United States Congress
    Year: 1890
    Explanation: Eliminated Hawaii’s tax-free sugar trading status.
  • Death of King David Kalakaua

    Death of King David Kalakaua
    Major Role Players: King David Kalakaua
    Year: 1891
    Explanation: King Kalakaua died at 2:35 pm on Tuesday, in the year 1891. According to the US Navy Official, King Kalakaua died from inflamed kidneys ( Bright's Diseases)
    Queen Liliuokalani was elected nine days after her brother’s death.
  • The Queen's New Constitution

    The Queen's New Constitution
    Major Role Players: Queen's Liliuokalani
    Year: 1893
    Explanation: Queen Liliuokalani had brought forth a new constitution with aims to the traditional Hawaii that was changed by foreigners’ great influence, like Hawaiian suffrage and the cancellation of the 1893 constitution. It was denied and was another major event that pushed toward Hawaii’s overthrow.
  • Official Annexation of Hawaii

    Official Annexation of Hawaii
    Major Role Players: Hawaii, The United States. President McKinley, Samuel Dole
    Year: 1898
    Explanation: Samuel Dole requested for Hawaii’s annexation in 1894 but it was denied by the president Grover Cleveland. Later in 1989 Hawaii was officially annexed with encouragement under William McKinley's new power. It was officially declared U.S. territory in 1990 Dole was to be Hawaii’s first governor.