World inventions Timeline

  • First Steam Locomotive invented

    First Steam Locomotive invented
    George Stephenson invented the first steam locomotive, a railway locomotive that is powered by a steam engine. This had become a significant way of travelling via railway at the time.
  • Braile invented

    Braile invented
    French Louis Braille was blind when he was 3 and had made a language for the visually impaired at age 15 by moving their hands over the combination of dots.
  • Morse code invented

    Morse code invented
    In the U.S Samuel Morse had invented morse code along with Joseph Henry and Alfred Vail. Morse code is still used today to communicate at distances with light or sound.
  • Bicycles invented

    Bicycles invented
    Kirkpatrick Macmillan invented the bicycle in 1839. Today, people still use bicycles as a mode of transportation even though it was invented way before their time!
  • Blueprints invented

    Blueprints invented
    Blueprints were invented in 1840 by astronomer Englishman John Herschel. Blueprints are still used today for plans and designing for architecture and engineering.
  • Antiseptics invented

    Antiseptics invented
    Antiseptics are substances used or medical purposes to keep the wound clean and keep disease-causing microorganisms away. If antiseptics weren't invented, I doubt we wouldn't have been able to survive dirty wounds!
  • Hearing aid invented

    Hearing aid invented
    Miller Reese Hutchinson had created the first electric hearing aids. His motivation was for his friend who had a hearing problem. He had also created the car horn!
  • Automobile invented

    Automobile invented
    The automobile (AKA the car) was invented by German engineer Karl Benz. His automobile was the "first practical" automobile ever and is now widely used as a mode of transportation!
  • Dishwasher machine invented

    Dishwasher machine invented
    The first dish washing machine was invented in 1886 by a woman named Joesephine Garis Cochran. Josephine wanted to invent something that will wash her clothes efficiently and fast than her servants and had created the most efficient appliant for washing clothes!
  • Ballpoint pen invented

    Ballpoint pen invented
    John J. Loud invented the ballpoint pen to make it easier to write on rough surfaces back then.