First Kindergarten
1st Kindergarten was started in Watertown, WI by Margarethe Schurz. This was an inspiration for others to follow. Four years later an "official" kindergarten opened in Boston, MA. -
Dept. of Education is created
The Dept. of Education is created to help states in the U.S. establish effective school systems. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
A ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that outlaws any segregation in public schools because of race or gender. This ruling opened another door on the way to equal rights for all in schools. -
Elementry and Secondary Education Act
Through this act, the ESEA was able to begin the Head Start program, offer free lunch to those families in need and give greater attention to the Special Education program. -
Title IX
The Title IX program states that no person can be excluded from a school program because of their gender. This was geared all aspects of education, not just sports. -
Apple Inc. introduces the Apple II
The Apple II computer is the first successful personal computer. It then becomes very popular in schools and children start to use them there.