events that revolutionized the Nation 1865 to 1876

  • Freedman's Bureau

    Bureau was used to oversee labor contracts between ex-slaves and employers
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln was shot by John Wilks Booth, made Andrew Jackson president
  • Black Codes

  • Johnson Announces that the Union is finally restored

  • The States Ratify the 13th Amendment

  • Extending power of Freedmen's Bureau

  • Congress Passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866

  • Congress Submits the 14th Amendment to the States for Ratification

  • Congress Divides the South into Military Districts Subject to Martial Law

  • Impeachment of President Johnson, Feb.-May

  • Grant Elected President

  • Congress Proposes the 15th Amendment

  • The Force Act

  • The Ku Klux Klan Act

  • The Civil Rights Act of 1875