Invention Of The Cotton Gin
The cotton gin, made by Eli Whitney, revolutionized the making of cotton by removing seeds from the cotton fiber. By the middle 19th century cotton had become Americas largest export. Although the cotton gin brought loads of money and cute the cotton harvest time in half, it also raised the need for slaves.
(http://bit.ly/1mP3yDE) -
Period: to
Underground Railroad
A network of people offering people (mostly African Americans) offering help (shelter, food, water, etc.) to the slaves that escaped. Most of the slaves that did escape were from the border states between free states and slave states. The most known routes were through Ohio to Indiana and through Illinois.
(http://bit.ly/1k4yTQz) -
Missouri Compromise
The tensions between pro slavery and anti slavery were rising. They were pushed over the edge when Missouri requested to be a slave state in 1819. Congress made a two part compromise, part one making Missouri a slave state in place of making Maine a free state. Part two drawing an imaginary line across the Louisiana territory, making the north states free states and the south states slave states.
(http://bit.ly/1gRJTuY) -
Tariff Of 1820 & Nullification Crisis
This tariff was created to protect industrialists and manufacturers that were in the north. It increased the duties on foreign imported goods by about 50%. This also included higher taxes on raw materials.
(http://bit.ly/2yic4W9) -
The Liberator Is Published
The Liberator was an anti-slavery newsletter. This newspaper, written by William Lloyd Garrison, made people from around the world love and hate him for he became the leader of the upcoming anti slavery movement. or his newspaper would not have been successful if it had not been for the freed slaves, 75% of his readers were free African American slaves.
(http://bit.ly/2gotdXw) -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
A slave named Nat Turner was the leaer of a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia. Turner and a bunch of his followers killed about 60 white men and women of all ages. Him and 16 of his followers were caught and killed, but incident still haunted the southern whites. Blacks were randomly killed and beheaded to worn others. After this incient farmers were more strict with their slaves.
(http://bit.ly/2xOKQaN) -
Wilmot Proviso
Was designed to stop slavery. Soon after the Mexican war had begun, the president (James K. Polk), sought out $2 million for the negotiation of the terms of the treaty. Pennsylvania's congressmen, David Wilmot, suggested his amendment to the bill. Which was blocked in the southern states and enraged the controversy of slavery and later formed the Republican party in 1854.
(http://bit.ly/2zupLPV) -
Compromise Of 1850
Consisted of different laws making California a free state, created Utah and New Mexico territories (leaving slavery up to popular demand), setting a Texas- Mexico boundary line, ending slave trade in Washington D.C., and making it easier for southerners to regain their fugitive slaves.
(http://bit.ly/2zvIWce) -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
An 1854 bill allowing slavery to be legal due to what the people wanted. This at was suggested by Stephen A. Douglas, Abe Lincoln's opponent at the time, but this broke the misouri compromise. Soon after anti-slavery and pro-slavery settlers were enraged and lead to a period violence. which helped lead America into civil war.
(http://bit.ly/2x4jWqO) -
Uncle Tom's Cabin Is Published
Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She Wrote this after meeting fugitive slaves and the underground rail road. When published, she sold over 3000,000 copies and changed the american public's view on slavery.
(http://bit.ly/1OfdrVQ) -
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'Bleeding Kansas'
This was a time of violence in Kansas after the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed. After the act was passed both anti slavery- and proslavery settlers flooded into the territory trying to influence the outcome. Which soon led to violence and both pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers fought.
(http://bit.ly/2zwRb83) -
Brooks-Sumner Event
Senator Charles Sumner gave a bitter speech to the senate and threw shade at senator Andrew Butler, saying "Senator Butler has chosen a mistress. I mean the harlot, slavery." The speech carried on for 2 days. Butlers cousin, Brooks, decided to punish Sumner for what he did. He marched into the senate chamber, two days after the speech, where Sumner was at his desk working. He told Sumner why he was there and proceeded to beat him with his cane until he was restrained.
(http://bit.ly/2yxYf64) -
Dred Scott Decision
During the Dred Scott case, the supreme court makes a decision. This decision allowed slave owners to take the slaves into the western territory. This upset many of the anti-slavery settlers.
(http://bit.ly/2zhRfrl) -
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
During Lincolns election year, he had and opponent, Stephen A. Douglas. They had seven different debates over the course of two months. These debates consisted of multiple important subjects, such as slavery and state rights.
(http://bit.ly/2yQzK50) -
John Brown's Raid On Harper's Ferry
John Brown lead a small group of his followers into a raid against the federal army in attempts to up roar the slaves into revolting and demolishing he slave institution. During the raid some of his followers kept hostages. The news of the raid spread like wild fire and the whole gang was surrounded by dawn. They were gained control of by Lt. J.E.B. Stuart and Brown lost ten of his men including two of his sons.
(http://bit.ly/2yQLlBa) -
Election Of 1860
This is the election that elects Abraham Lincoln as the 16th president of the united states and being the first republican to win. Only got 40% of the popular votes but Beat the other candidates that were running. After Lincoln won the south signaled to secession.
(http://bit.ly/1eUBzvU) -
Period: to
Secession Of Southern States
In this secession 11 southern states cut off their ties with the union. The first seven to cut off their ties set up their own government in Alabama. After the indecent at Fort Sumter, the border states of Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina all joined their government, and moved their government to Virginia. While the rest remained as the United states.
(http://bit.ly/1nKo0rd) -
Fort Sumter Is Fired Upon
The Civil war begins after confederate fire upon Fort Sumter in South Carolina, which was the main source of tension between the confederates and the union for several months. The state had demanded that unions turned over the fort but had refused. So early on April morning confederates decided to take the fort by force since they weren't willing to negotiate. They had fired for 33 hours with about 4,000 rounds of shells.