Japenese immigrants began arriving in America
Immigrants moved to America for more opportunities. -
Gentlemen's Agreement
Japan agreed to stop immigrants from coming to America. -
Nisei Start an Organization
The Nisei tried to prove there loyalty to America. -
Japan Joins WWII
Japan joined WWII with Nazi'S and Italy. -
The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Japan had a suprise attack on the U.S. -
Executive Order 9066
President Roosevelt signede Executive Order 9066. -
FBI searches homes
The FBI searched the immigrants homes for Japenese families. -
Evacuation Day, the Japenese were sent to internment camps. -
Inmates Transfered
WRA authorities closed Moab and transfered its inmates to a similar camp in Arizona. -
Japenese Went to Manazar
The Japenese went to camps, they called it the Manazar.