American revolution hero h

Events That Led To The Revolutionary War

  • the french and indian war

    the french and indian war
    the french and Indian war happend because france was conquering a huge amount of land. well the french and the brtish fought and the british gained land.
  • proclamation of 1768

    proclamation of 1768
    the proclamation of 1763 was ordered by king george after the seven years was to establish territory for the native americans
  • the sugar act

    the sugar act
    the sugar act happened in 1764. the british decided to tax the sugar which started the saying no taxation without representation.
  • the quartering act

    the quartering act
    the british government felt they were losing control of the colonies so they had british soldiers live in the homes of colonists. the colonists had to feed and home the soldiers
  • the stamp act

    the stamp act
    the stamp act was the first internal tax places on the american colonists.
  • the townshends acts

    the townshends acts
    the townshends acts were a series of acts that were passes in the beginning of 1767, it only made the colonists angry
  • the Boston massacre

    the Boston massacre
    the Boston massacre happened when the crowd was yelling at British soldiers then the soldiers fired into the crowd, the soldiers were arrested and argued in court that they thought it was their captain yelling fire
  • the tea act

    the tea act
    it was a tx on tea to help a tea warehouse in London survive
  • the boston tea party

    the boston tea party
    the british were taxing too much on tea and the colonists decided to throw tha tea off of the british boats
  • the intolerable acts

    the intolerable acts
    the intolerable acts r a list of five things that angered the colonists
  • the battles of Lexington and

    the battles of Lexington and
    they were the first battles of the revolutionary war, was known as the shot heard around the world
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    was when 12 of the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia