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7 interesting features of world war 2 2 1

Events That Led To The End Of World War II

  • Period: to

    Events That Led To The End Of World War II

  • Roosevelt and Churchill travled to Teheran

    Roosevelt and Churchill travled to Teheran
    They did this to meet with Stalin. Churchill thought cross-channel was a good idea but Roosevelt and Stalin did not.
  • Declaration of three powers

    Declaration of three powers
    They reachers that victory would be theres and that they where going to destroy Germany and no one would get in there way.
  • D-Day

    This is where the allies hit Germany, more then 11 thousand plans tried to destroy germanys communication and soften there defenses.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Hitler almost succeeded with his counter attack because he caught the allies by surprise.
  • In One Night

    In One Night
    All in a single night B-29 bombers destroyed 16 square miles of Tokyo.
  • Mussolini Ties Escaping

    Mussolini Ties Escaping
    Mussolini tried fleeing to Switzerland but was captured and executed.
  • Surrendered

    In a little French schoolhouse that had served as Eisenhower's headquarters Germany surrendered.
  • United States Drops First Atomic Bomb

    United States Drops First Atomic Bomb
    The us dropped there first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
  • Second Atomic Bomb

    Second Atomic Bomb
    The US dropped there second atomic bomb on Nagasaki killing 35,000 residents.
  • Second Atomic Bomb

    Second Atomic Bomb
    The US then dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki killing 35,000 residents
  • End Of The War

    End Of The War
    Finally there emperor Hirohito decide to surrender.The allies created a V-J day
  • End Of The War

    End Of The War
    The Japan Emperor finally decided to surrender. The allied created V-J day.