Events That Led to German Unification

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Annexes German Land

    As Napoleon took lands along the Rhine River and enforced his rule over Germany, more and more people became overwhelmed with nationalism, giving birth to the desire for a united Germany.
  • Prussia Establishes Zolleverein

    Prussia Establishes Zolleverein
    In the 1830s, Prussia created an economic union that created a free-trade environment throughout a large part of Germany.
  • Frankfurt Assembly

    Frankfurt Assembly
    The newly created national assembly discussed different possibilities for a unified Germany.
  • The Frankfurt National Assembly Adopts a Consitution

    The Frankfurt National Assembly Adopts a Consitution
    The national assembly embraced a proposed constitution, calling for universal suffrage, parliamentary government and a hereditary emperor. Even though this was later rejected by Prussia, it was an important step towards German unity.
  • Liberals Offer Frederick William 4 the Crown

    Liberals Offer Frederick William 4 the Crown
    The national assembly sent the king an offer for the German Crown. He refused, saying tat he will only receive it from the German princes.
  • Otto von Bishmarck Becomes Prime Minister

    Otto von Bishmarck Becomes Prime Minister
    In 1862, King William 1 made Otto von Bishmarck prime minister.
  • Prussia Forms an Alliance With Austria

    Prussia Forms an Alliance With Austria
    This was a strategic move that later helped Prussia seize the Danish province of Schleswig.
  • Prussia Declares War on Austria

    Prussia Declares War on Austria
    This was a short war, ending in a Prussian victory. The victorious country later annexed a couple of other north German states
  • France Declares War on Prussia

    France Declares War on Prussia
    The Prussians purposely angered Napoleon 3 by insulting him in a telegram. Furious, the French leader waged war on his rival, only to be defeated soon after.
  • William 1 Becomes Kaiser

    William 1 Becomes Kaiser
    After the victory over France, German princes persuaded the king to take the rank of kaiser, or emperor. Bismarck in turn became chancellor. This marked the birth of the second Reich, i.e. Germany as a unified country.