events that helped shape the war

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were brutaly shot in a visit to Bosnian capital by the serb nationalist.
  • They declared war..

    They declared war..
    It was a month after the assaniation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungray had finally declared war on Serbia. Which made the first war ever to happened.
  • France invading Alsace

    France invading Alsace
    After France invading Alsace, the british had their forces arrive in France. This lead to them wanting the support of other places such as, Russia, Italy, New Zealand, Romina , and etc.
  • Declaration of war.

    Declaration of war.
    Italy had declared war to Austria- Hungray, and this opened up the new front of World War I.
  • German Submarine Sinks

    German Submarine Sinks
    On May 9, 1915. when the German Submarine sinks the name being Lusitania while they were trying to cross New York. This unfortunately killed 128 Americans on that Submarine.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Germany had declared war with Verdun on February 21, 1916. Due to an engagement in which French repulsed a major German offensive.
  • They clashed

    They clashed
    German and Britian had naives clash in the north sea and it was sorta to get the seas adavantage. And rumonia had delcared war on the same day to the central power.
  • Ending of the Battle of Verdun

    Ending of the Battle of Verdun
    After the big bloody war with Germany and Verdun. Some 550,000 French and 450,000 Germans were casualited. And about 300,000 were killed during the war.
  • Germany resumes Warfare

    Germany resumes Warfare
    Germany had resumed lethal, which was when Germany had used an unrestricted submarine when they were in World War 1. After Germany entering with the submarine, they threatened that anyone who would enter the area, they would attack.
  • America broke with Germany

    America broke with Germany
    On this day, the U.S president woodrow wilson announced the congress of the goverment which would tie Germany Navy's desicion together.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Russia had 2 revolutions and one of them was the first and they had an over threw of the imperial goverment.
  • The final offensive war

    The final offensive war
    On this day, Germany had launched their first Offensive war in the western front in 2 years.
  • The agreement

    The agreement
    When Armistice hit on the western front, agreement came to Germany and Allies and they were the first to stoop their war in World War I. And after all the horrable fighting and the losts of many many lifes, they were were proud that it had stopped.
  • Conference of Peace

    Conference of Peace
    They had a sign from the treaty and it had imformation of the of the league of nation.
  • Signing of The Treaty of Versaille

     Signing of The Treaty of Versaille
    This happened on june 28, 1919. When the treaty of versailles was signed in the palace outside of france, italy. And was one of several that offically ended the great war.