Events that ended WWII in Europe and Japan

  • June 22, 1941--November 1941

    June 22, 1941--November 1941
    Nazi Germany invaded attacked the Soviet Union by military force because of a communist threat that Germany opposed. Germany wanted to invade the Soviet Union and capture and kill all the jews in the Soviet Union because "Jews of the Soviet Union, whom they characterized as forming the "racial bases" for the soviet state."
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941
    On December 7th of 1941 a devastating attack on the United States Naval Base by Japanese airplanes, “a date which will live in Infamy”, in which the bombing cause more than 2000 deaths and over 1000 Americans wounded. Over 100 airplanes were destroyed and over 100 damaged. “The attack sank a total of twelve ships and nine damaged.”
  • December 8, 1941: United States Declares war on Japan

    December 8, 1941: United States Declares war on Japan
    The day after the crucial attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declares war on Japan starting World War 2. Japan continues to attack and invade other countries such as Philippines, French Indochina, and British Singapore.
  • September 8, 1943

    September 8, 1943
    On September of 1943, Mussolini was "deposed" from his seat of power as a fascist leader and as well as the fall of the fascist Government. Mussolini then had been to negotiate with Eisenhower for weeks. Germany had seen this and attacked Badoglio and surrendered unconditionally to Germany.
  • December 16th, 1944: Germans launch a final offensive in the west

    December 16th, 1944: Germans launch a final offensive in the west
    This was the last major offensive Germans had in the war. This was known as Ardennes Offensive or Battle of the Bulge, which was an attempt to push back the allied forces west from Northern France. Germany through around 250,000 soldiers into combat against nearly around 80,000 American soldiers. Germans infiltrated American bases by using American uniforms and acting as an American soldier.
  • The U.S. and Island hopping against Japan

    The U.S. and Island hopping against Japan
    This was a battle tactic during WWII against Japan to take over Japanese controlled Islands. It was very costly and very risky and also a slow process. This allowed the U.S. to get control over Islands that were sufficient so the U.S. could get close to the mainlands of Japan to attack and invade Japan. “They achieved this with the world’s first atomic bombs.”
  • April 16th, 1945: The Soviets launch their final attack

    April 16th, 1945: The Soviets launch their final attack
    The fall of Berlin was bloody but there were over two million German civilians and over 200,000 German soldiers remaining. Hitler then hides in an underground bunker with his trusted associates and his wife. Within two weeks of hiding Hitler commits suicide ending war in Europe, remaining the rest of World War Two in Japan.
  • May 1945: Allied troops take over Okinawa

    May 1945: Allied troops take over Okinawa
    The battle of Okinawa was the last battle in WWII and one of the bloodiest battles. This is one of the last islands before reaching the mainlands. Nearly 350 miles south of Japan’s mainlands, “it is the largest island in the Ryukyu island chain.”
  • August 6th, 1945:Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    August 6th, 1945:Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    After the U.S. occupation of the islands South of Japan, the U.S. dropped the world’s first atomic bomb Hiroshima. The bomb wiped out a lot of the cities population, the second the bomb hit it immediately killed over 80,000 Japanese citizens. More were killed later due to high levels of radiation in the atmosphere in Hiroshima.
  • August 9th, 1945: Bombing of Nagasaki

    August 9th, 1945: Bombing of Nagasaki
    Just three days prior to the bombing of Hiroshima, the U.S. drops another atomic bomb on Nagasaki to frighten Japan even more, causing Japan to have even more casualties. This time killing an estimation of 40,000 Japanese citizens, Japan was devastated by this. “...on August 15th, Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War Two in a radio address.”