Events that Changed The Workplace: 1985-2018

  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Berlin Wall holds significance as both the end of the physical separation of East and West Berlin, but also the metaphorical separation between Western capitalism and Eastern communism. This event signified the return of Europe as a leader in the global landscape economically and politically. The Fall of the Berlin Wall was a significant step in the rise of modern globalization, as it created new opportunities for partnerships across Europe and the rest of the world.
  • Passage of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    This civil rights law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life. People with disabilities now have access to the same employment opportunities and benefits that are made available to people without disabilities. ADA compliance has forced businesses and public institutions to make reasonable modifications to their usual ways of doing things when serving people with disabilities.
  • Microsoft Office is Released

    Microsoft Office is the primary tool for productivity throughout workplaces across the globe. Microsoft Office is a suite of programs primarily consisting of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook. Competency in the Office suite has built a common expectation for computer skills required at most places of work. Nearly all competitors to Microsoft Office have attempted to imitate its user-friendliness and functionality, but most places of business still prefer the original.
  • Founding of Google

    To “google” something has become synonymous as to look something up. The internet search engine was not the first of its kind, but it has overtaken the space and become the global leader in looking up information on the internet. Google has made people rethink the need to memorize certain types of information. People are able to “google” the answer to nearly any question and are able to access this information on a computer, their smartphone, or other smart devices.
  • Terrorist Attacks on September 11th

    The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 showed that warfare was no longer only taking place on the battlefield. Thousands of innocent Americans were killed while at work, traveling on planes, and more or less going about their everyday lives. After this day, American and global security was elevated to a degree never before seen. Security is now a major concern for all workplaces, as everyday places of business now have security plans for terrorism.
  • Start of Facebook

    The rise of social media platforms has changed the way people interact with others. Facebook was one of the earliest social media platforms that went beyond connecting people to people, but also people to businesses, news organizations, and academic institutions. Facebook has created a personalized version of the internet for many people, while also forcing the world to consider how much personal information they are willing to share on the internet.
  • Amazon Prime Begins. had its foundations as a place to purchase books for low prices. It quickly evolved into a one-stop online shop to purchase nearly anything. A monumental shift in global business came about with their introduction of Amazon Prime, a two-day delivery service that changed the way that people purchase goods. Places of work have had to rethink how they offer products to their customers based on the service of Amazon Prime.
  • Founding of Youtube

    Youtube has become more than just silly videos created with a camcorder. It is now filled with how-to videos, history lessons, advertisements, high-production quality films, etc. If there is a way of doing things in almost any industry, there is most likely a Youtube video explaining how it should be done. Workplaces are able to conduct training with materials available on Youtube, teachers are able to teach lessons using videos from the website.
  • An Inconvenient Truth is Released

  • The iPhone is released

    The smartphone has forever changed the way that people operate. The iPhone is the primary device that made smartphones available to the global masses. The iPhone and other smartphones on the market have placed a phone, camera, and computer in the palm and pocket of individuals across the globe. People can look up information and connect with others instantaneously. Many places of work expect individuals to have smartphones in order to communicate with their place of employment.
  • The Signing of the Paris Accord

    The world is getting warmer. There is a global consensus that man-made industrialization has contributed to the rising temperatures on Earth. The Paris Accord brought together 195 nations that agreed to do their part to limit greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the rise of global temperatures. This important event showed that places of work need to be environmentally conscious with their practices if they would like to be recognized as global leaders.