events that are really important to the whole world

By abangp
  • 100


  • 570

    The Year Muhammad Was Born

  • Jun 8, 632

    The Year Muhammad Died

  • Apr 15, 1452

    leonardo da vinci

    leonardo da vinci born
  • May 2, 1519

    leonardo da vinci

    leonardo da vinci's dead
  • classical music invented

  • modern steam engine

    Thomas Newcomen, improved by James Watt)
  • first pencil

    Nicholas Jacques Conte
  • first camera

    Joseph Nicephore Niepce
  • soccer

    the year soccer started
  • the first american football games played

  • first light bulp

    by thomas edison
  • the year tv was started

  • Basketball

    the year basketball was invented
  • olympics

    the year summer olympics started
  • the world’s first successful airplane

    by the wright brothers
  • world war 1

    the year world war 1 started
  • world war 1

    the year world war 1 ended
  • the first computer made by konrad zuse

  • world war 2

    the year world war 2 started
  • The Year UN was Formed

  • first atomic bomb test explosion

    in mexico
  • world war 2

    the year the world war 2 ended
  • United Nations

  • Earthquake in Chile with a 9.5 magnitude

  • first man in space yuri gagarin

  • apple created

    Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
  • first wifi

    by ncr corporation/AT&T
  • first ipod

  • 9/11 attack

  • mars rover

  • tsunami and earthquake in aceh

    an earthquake and a tsunami that strikes aceh and killed about 230,273- 310,000
  • the year pluto was not a planet anymore

  • haiti earthquake

    an 7,0 magnitude killed about 316000 people
  • chile earthquake

    an 8,8 magnitude earthquake strikes chile