Events of WWI

  • 1536


    The nations who used the Grenade were the American mark I and French (National WW1 Museum and Memorial, 2023).
    The Grenade was made in 1536 (National WW1 Museum and Memorial, 2023).
    A Grenade is a small bomb that explodes close by and it can have gas or chemicals in it (Hubbard, 2021).
    The first modern Grenade was made in England (Korsvold, 2020).
  • 1536


    The Grenade were made because to hurt or defeat enemy even if they’re hiding on the ground or behind something (National WW1 Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Machine Gun

    Machine Gun
    The machine gun was a military invention made by Hiram Maxim (Library of congress, n.d.).
    The Machine Gun is a gun that could bullets rapidly with a cool down. (Library of Congress, n.d.).
    The Machine Gun was used to defeat and give up enemy positions. (US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, n.d.).
    The nations who used the Machine Gun were Russia, Germany and Britain (1914-1918 Online, 2015).
    The Machine Gun was invented in 1884 (PBS, n.d.).
  • Aircraft

    The people who made the aircraft were the Wright brothers (Historical Society of Pennsylvania, n.d.).
    The Aircraft was made on December 17, 1903 (Nation Air and Space Museum, n.d.).
    The aircraft was used for locating an enemy (History, 2022).
    The nations who used the aircraft in World War 1 were the United states, France, Germany and United Kingdom (National Park Service, n.d.).
    The aircraft was made in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (Nation Air and Space Museum, n.d.).
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    The Nations that fought in the Balkan wars were Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro (Britannica, 2023).
    Balkan Wars were conflicts that used up OttoMan Empire territory (Britannica, 2023).
    Balkan Wars began in October 1912 (Turkish Coalition Of America, 2023).
    Balkan Wars happened in Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece (Britannica, 2023).
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    The Balkan Wars happened because of Ottoman weakness, nationalist desire and complex geostrategic dynamics involving Russia, Austria-Hungary and Balkan nations (History, 2020).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip (NZ History, n.d.).
    Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in their car (Greenspan, 2020)
    Archduke Ferdinad was assassinated on June 28, 1914 (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
    Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated at Bosnian Capital (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated because the assassin believed that Ferdinand was a threat to Serbian independence (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
    Archduke Ferdinand was shot to death (History, 2021).
  • Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    Battle of Gallipoli, Somme
    The person who is important in the battle of verdun is General Philippe Petain (Imperial War Museum, 2023).
    The battle of verdun is the biggest fight that lasted the longest in recent times (Imperial War Museum, 2023).
    The battle of verdun happened on February 21, 1916 (Imperial War Museum, 2023).

    The Battle of verdun happened in the fortress city of verdun (History, 2021).
  • Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    Battle of Gallipoli, Somme
    The Battle of Verdun happened because they needed to defeat the French army before the Allies became stronger (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    Germany attacked the Lusitania ship (Mcdermott, 2022).
    Lusitania sinks is an event of a ship named Lusitania sunk (Mcdermott, 2022).
    Lusitania sank on May 7, 1915 (Mcdermott, 2022).
    Lusitania sank in Celtic sea (History, n.d.).
    Germany thought that the Lusitania ship was carrying ammunition for the British which the Lusitania ship was carrying ammunition but they don’t know why it was carrying ammunition (Mcdermott, 2022).
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    The Lusitania sank from an German U-boat that shot a torpedoed under water (Mcdermott, 2022).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun happened because they needed to defeat the French army before the Allies became stronger (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The person who is important in the battle of verdun is General Philippe Petain (Imperial War Museum, 2023).
    The battle of verdun is the biggest fight that lasted the longest in recent times (Imperial War Museum, 2023).
    The battle of verdun happened on February 21, 1916 (Imperial War Museum, 2023).

    The Battle of verdun happened in the fortress city of verdun (History, 2021).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution started by the people of Russia then the troops from the Russian army and royal Guards. (Imperial War Museums, 2023).

    The Russian Revolution was a protest and pound that rose into riots and violence. (Imperial War Museums, 2023).

    The Russian Revolution was on March 8,1917 (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
    The Russian Revolution happened in Russia, St. Petersburg (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution happened because the people of Russia wanted to end centuries of royal rule and advance into political and social changes (History, 2023).
    The Russian Revolution overthrew the Royal government (Britannica,n.d.).
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Russia withdraws from war
    Russia withdrew from war
    Russia withdrawing from war is about to make a stop to their involvement in the war
    Russia withdrew from the war during December 1917
    Russia withdrew from the war in Brest, Litovsk
    Russia withdrew from the war because of the treaty they signed with Brest Litovsk
    Since Russia signed a treaty with Brest Litovsk, they had internal governmental changes to make a stop to their involvement in the war (History,n.d.).
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    he Zimmerman Note was created by Arthur Zimmermann (National Archives, 2022).
    The Zimmerman Note was a coded message (National Archives, 2022).
    The Zimmerman Note was created on January 17, 1917 (INTEL, n.d.).
    The Zimmerman Note was created in Germany (National Archives, 2022).
    The Zimmerman Note was created to ask Mexico for an alliance against the United States (National Archives, 2022).
  • U.S. enters war

    U.S. enters war
    U.S. joins world war 1 (History, 2022)
    U.S announcement to go to war against Germany (Office of the Historian, n.d.).
    The U.S. joined world war 1 on April 4, 1917 (Office of the Historian, n.d.).
    The U.S. joined the war on a European continent (History, 2022).

    The U.S joined the war because Germany broke the pledge (Office of the Historian, n.d).
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

     Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    Germans started the battle of chateau-thierry
    The Battle of chateau-thierry was a big fight during world war 1

    The Battle of chateau-thierry happened on May 31, 1918
    The Battle of chateau-thierry happened in France then stretched through Belgium
    The Battle of chateau-thierry happened because the Germans wanted to overpower the French defenders in North France (History Crunch, 2020).
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed

    The Treaty of Versailles signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, France (National Geographic Society, 2023).
    They signed a Treaty of Versailles to make peace between Germany (National Geographic Society, 2023)
  • Battle of Argonne

     Battle of Argonne
    General John J.Pershing started the battles of Argonne (History, 2020).
    The battles of Argonne were a part of the ultimate Allied progress during World War 1 (National Archives, n.d.).
    The battles of Argonne happened on September 26, 1918 (Britannica, n.d.).
    The battles of Argonne in Alsace-Lorraine which is in France (American Battle Monuments Commission, n.d.).
    The battles of Argonne happened because of the Ally's effort to attack the Germans (Army Heritage Center, 2023).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    The Armistice was signed by Marshal of France Ferdinand Foch, beside other allies and Germany (National Museum of the U.S. Navy, n.d.).
    The Armistice of WWI focuses on not fighting in the Western front and peace (National Trust, n.d.).
    Armistice started on November 11, 1918 (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
    The Armistice was signed inside Foch’s private railway car at Compiegne,France (National Museum of the U.S., n.d.).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    Germany launched attacks during the spring because they were low on supplies and support (National trust, n.d.).
    In the events leading to the Armistice, in the west German army’s were close to collapsing led to the Armistice of WWI (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed

    The Treaty of Versailles signed
    The U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, The French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and British Prime Minister David Lioyd George signed the Treaty of Versailles (Britannica, 2023)
    Treaty of Versailles is a peace agreement signed at the end of world war 1 (Britannica, 2023)
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919 (National Geographic Society, 2023)
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    First meeting of the League of Nations
    During the First meeting of the League of Nations 41 members of the state came to the meeting (United Nations, n.d.).
    First meeting of the League of Nations was an organization established to promote global collaboration and to accomplish global peace and security (United Nations, n.d.).
    First meeting of the League of Nations happened on November 15, 1920 (United Nations, n.d.).
  • First meeting of the League of nations

    First meeting of the League of nations
    The First meeting of the League of Nations happened in Geneva,Switzerland (Office of the Historian, n.d.).
    First meeting of the League of Nations happened because they wanted to make a platform to resolve global conflicts (Office of the Historian, n.d.).
    First meeting of the League of Nations talked about how to maintain peace through diplomatic talks (United Nations, n.d.).