Inidan Removal Act
- People violated treatys and Jackson didn't stop them
- It helped push the removal act
- Cherokee, Creek, Chickaso, Choctaw, Semnole to abonded them to move farther west
- Cherokee put in military and taken away
- 4,000 died of starving and dieases
Period: to
Assignment 2 : Events of the era of expansion and the Civil War
Panic of 1837
- It was the time banks were closing and economic problems began to rise
- Businesses failed, Unemployment was 25% higher, goven't money was drawn from banks
- People starved
- Banks made money by charging intrest fees, economy cloasped
- They bought land without buying it
- Claim Jumpers took land away from them
Comproimse of 1850
- Economic, social, and plitical differences witht he north and south became huge
- 1800's tax on manufracted good became an issue
- Tools, cloth and machines caused people to pay taxes
- U.S factories in the north were bigger than in the south
- To keep the facotires going, they put a high tax on the Eurpoean goods that came in
- Tariff = Eurpoean goods more expensive
Kanas became a state
- Started ruuning a stage coast service bewteen Missouri and CA
- Journey took three weeks
- Lincoln debates over slavery were important because he beleived it was evil to treat people like how the slaves were being treated
- Douglas beleived that racial equiality was mis guided by Lincoln
- He was known by many but Dougals won as senator
Picture of Freedom
- Slaves weren't supposed to be able to read and write
- Blacks would always stick together no matter what because they've all they had
- Abolishionists weren't allowed to be any where near the slaves
- The Underground Railroad was how the slaves would go north
- Slaves will be killed if thier master finds out they can read and write
- Slaves whipped for very little reasons
- Slaves had to keep abloishionists names private to keep them from being killed
The War Years
- The south was known as the confedrates
- North was known as the Union
- Confeds made of up 11 states
- They fought to establish a seprate country
- The fedral govn't didn't recoginize thier state rights
- The south withdrew themselves fro the U,S
- South fought for human freedom
- The south was out numbred three to one
- The south wasn't infavored but they still went to war
Homested Act and the South Concepts
- 100 acers for free land if lived on it for five years
- 1 million imigrants to came to get land
- 3+ because of free/inexpensive land
- The souths concept was that the natation needed more land
- Americans could bring economic growth to places it never existed before
Battle of Gettysburg, Pennslyvania
- Confedrates invaded union across Pappahannock River in Virgina
- Seized live stock, clothing from the union households were worn
- Confed and Union met in Gettysburg
- It was the biggest battle fought in Civil War history because it had the most calusities
- Chamblem had a small ammount of men to efend the hill
- His men were out numbered 10 to 1 to confeds now
- 13,000 men marched to union defense but, the north still won the battle
Dear America
- Southenrs felt victory wasn't far and would come home
- She missed her full family since her fathers been gone and her brothers dead
- People houses robbed by Yankees
- War caused people to go crazy because of what they seen
- Slaves caused problems for owners when they're trying to escape
- The south was losing
- Yankees would take over the sountherners homes and land
- They realized how pointless war was
- When slaves left, southerners hand hard times for awhile
Abraham Lincoln Assassination
- 6 or more plots were set out to kill him
- Lincoln may have brought plans himself
- He rode five miles alone, shots were fired
- Lincoln went to the battlefied, somehow he was safe
- Political and personal hatred towards Lincoln was common
- People wanted to kill him because he freed many slaves
- Black powder bomb was unsed to see if the bombs would work for blowing up the White House
- He was shot in the Ford Theater from behind