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Events of the Cold War

By Zd.rosa
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    Allies from the UK, United states, & soviet union were having a discussion about the post war. The decisions made were about what the future will progress as.
  • Creation of the United Nations

    Creation of the United Nations
    After world war 2 ended, the united nations tried to maintain international peace among nations. They were trying to maintain justice & peace among all people.
  • Second red scare

    Second red scare
    This event happened right away after world war 2. Fear was being spread on American institutions.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    This project or attempt of the soviet union (the Berlin Blockade) failed. Western allies were being forced to abandon their post in west berlin but the allies began to ignore the blockade.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    Nations like Canada, U.S, & other western European nations created this treaty. It was made for purposes like providing safety/security & peace to the soviet union.
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    This war was caused because of the tensions on the Korean peninsula. The war was fought between south & north Korea, & caused it to last up to 3 years.
  • Cuban revolution

    Cuban revolution
    Political & military people, were causing a revolution to overthrow the government of Cuba. Fidel Castro, one of many people in the revolution, led a small group of men trying to attack the Moncada Barracks but failed and got imprisoned.
  • Space race

    Space race
    The soviet union decided to launch their artificial satellites similar to what the US announced. Both the US & the soviet union were building the rockets as a result of defense but turned into space exploration as well.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War took place in 3 different places such as, Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia. About 9,087,000 people were fighting along side the war.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Egyptian government were seeking total control of the Suez Canal from both the French & the British. This caused both the US & middle eastern countries to be involved
  • 1960 U2 Incident

    1960 U2 Incident
    The soviet air defense force shot down a US spy plane causing the summit to collapse with no improvements. The paris summit was canceled as a result too.
  • Berlin Crisis of 1961

    Berlin Crisis of 1961
    Both current "leaders", John F Kennedy & soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev were meeting up to withdrawal all armed forces from berlin. That also included all of western berlin.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Also known as the October crisis, the soviet union deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba. But before anything could happen Vasily Arkhipo stopped it from happening.
  • Soviet Afghan War

    Soviet Afghan War
    The soviet union launched an invasion towards Afghanistan causing the war to start. Soviet soldiers breached the border, poisoned the Afghan president , & started the war.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl Disaster
    A nuclear power plant exploded when a test was being preformed causing the building to be demolished. Because of the action, a lot of radiation was released into the air leading to many deaths.