The Chinese Revolution 2
because the Soviet Union had suppported communism and the communist system that Mao Zedong was trying to set up, whereas the U.S. was for the containment of communism and did not want China to become a communist nation. This created tension between the nations. -
The Chinese Revolution
Peace talks between the nationalists and communists in China had not worked out, and this caused the fighting to start again. Mao Zedong was the leader of the communists and in the end of the revolution, he and his supporters ended up winning and China then became a communist nation. Chiang Kai-Shek had been the leader of the nationalists, but with his weak government and somewhat dictatorship ruling the nationalists had lost the revolution and took off to Taiwan. This effected the cold war, -
The Korean War
On this day Northern Korea invaded South Korea and this officially started the Korean War. The 38th parallel divided the two countries and was supposed to be a demilitarize zone. In this war, North Korea was supported by the Soviets and South Korea was supported by the U.S. In 1953, a peace treaty was signed and the war had officially ended. The outcome of the war was that the 38th parallel was officially established and there was two seperate countries.; the North being Communist and the -
The Korean War 2
South being not Communist. This was an event in the Cold War, and it contributed because the North was supported and aided by the Soviets, while the U.S. wanted to contain Communism and was in favor and aided the South. -
Uprisinings in Hungary and Czechloslovakia
This was a almost unanomous revolt against the communist rule in Hungary. The revolt started as just protests but rapidly spread across the nation resulting in the government of Hungary collapsing. Militias of Hungarians began to form to fight against the government and Soviet troops. On Novemeber 4 the Soviets invaded Budapest. In the end the control the Soviets once had over Hungary was no longer. This contributed to the Cold War, because the Soviets had rule over Hungary, but the had -
Uprisings in Hungary and Czechloslavakia 2
eventually lost their control of Hungary and had less power in the world than they had had before. -
Sputnik launched(and the space race)
Sputnik was the first satellite sent up into space, by the Soviets, to orbit Earth. It was shot up by an ICBM and it was an unmanned satellite. A month later, in November, the Soviets shot up Sputnik 2 now with a dog named Laika on board. Soon after, the U.S. had attempted to send up a satellite, but the first try failed. On January 31,1958 the U.S. had successfully launched a satellite into orbit. Now botht the U.S. and the Soviets were trying to build bigger and better satellites that -
Sputnik Launched(and the space race) 2
could be launched into space. When the Soviets had sent up their first satellite, many Americans had felt beneath the Soviet and as though the U.S. was beginning to fall behind in technology and scientific matters. The Space race added to the Cold War, because now both countries were trying to develop new science and technology to help them build more satellites which could also have led them to developing new and more dangerous weapons. -
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down (Francis Gary Powers) 2
the Cold War much more intense and could have possibly made battle break out. Other than thinking of what could hav happened neither country suffered much. -
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down (Francis Gary Powers)
After one of Eisenhower's proposals had gotten denied at the Geneva conference of 1955, the CIA had started sending spy planes over Russia. The spy planes were to take pictures and find out what the soviets were doing. On the first mission, the Soviets had spotted the plane, but the U.S. denied that it was not us. Once NASA had told that a U2 plane had gone missing, Kkrushchev had announced that the Soviet's had shot it down. This was significant in the Cold War, because it could have made -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
East Germans had constructed the Berlin wall. East Berlin was communist and supported by the Soviets, while West Berlin was democratic and supported by the U.S. Presidents of the U.S. told Communist leaders in Berlin to take the wall down and other allies of the U.S. supported this thought. In the late 1908s Germany's Communist power was very weak, and on November 9, 1989 the Berrlin Wall was torn down. This is significant to the Cold War, becuase communist power was declining in Germany, -
Berlin Wall Goes Up 2
and Germany was supported by the Soviet Union, so therefore the power of communism was weaker and this made the Soviet's weaker. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis is when a U2 spy plane had been flying over Cuba and spotted Soviet missiles. These missiles were aimed at the U.S. and with the power they had, they could reach the U.S. with no problem. This had all started, becuase the U.S> had missiles set up in Turkey and they had also tried to overthrow Castro in Cuba. The missiles were then set up in Cuba to try and protect against another invasion and be ready for an attack. This crisis was the closest there has been to a -
Cuban Missile Crisis 2
nuclear war, and thankfully that did not happen. Overall, this event contributed to the Cold War because both the U.S. and Soviets had taken their missiles out of the country they had been set up in and there was a nuclear missile hotline created between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. -
Russia Invades Afghanistan
In 1978 the Afghan army and Marxist Party in Afghanistan overthrew the Afghan government. The leader of the Marxist party, Muhammad Taraki, took over rule and demanded military assistance from the Soviet. The Soviets agreed to go in and help Afghanistan establish a Marxist (like communism)government. This was all under the Breshnev Doctrine. On December 27, 1979 the Afghan and Soviet militaries took control over parts of Kabul. In the end, the Soviets simply backed out. This was -
Russia Invades Afghanistan 2
significant to the Cold War, becuase again, the Soviets were supporting the Afghans and were for creating a Marxist government, whereas the U.S. was in support of the rebels wich were against the Marxist type of government.