Chinese Revolution
Who was involved: Beijing government What happened: An agreement was signed for the construction of lines on the Hukwang Railway. Government took over, the sum offered did not meet the demands of the stockholders,which led to revolt. The uncovering of a plot in Hankou broke out into mutiny. How it impacted Cold War: The led to the collapse of national unity and orderly government (leads to communism). -
Korean War
Who was involved: North Korea, South Korea, China, U.N., U.S., Soviet Union What happened: With the collapse of Japanese empire, there was a race to see who could influence Japan first. North was more Marxist revolutionaries, and South, more led by U.S./Europe industrialism. North invaded South and caused over 1 million casualties. How it impacted Cold War: This was the first confrontation between Soviet Union and U.S. albeit through other countries. -
Uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
Who was involved: Soviet Union, Hungary, U.N. What happened: A revolt broke out against Hungary’s and Czechoslovakia’s Soviet-imposed rules, causing the governments to collapse. How it impacted Cold War: Soviet Union invaded to stop the revolution when U.N. was asked for support. Eventually led to the downfall of the Soviet Union. -
Sputnik Launched (Space Race)
Who was involved: America, Soviet Union What happened: Both countries announced programs to launch artificial Earth satellites. While the Eisenhower administration was slowly developing, Soviets beat America with launch of Sputnik. How it impacted Cold War: This shocked the Western world, challenged strategic assumptions of every power, and initiated a new reason to continue Cold War. -
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
Who was involved: Francis Gary Powers, U.S., Soviet Union What happened: U2 spy plane shot down in Soviet, saw it as “aggressive act” by U.S. Soviet would not participate in summit until U.S. stopped flights and apologized for flights made/punish people who did the flights, Eisenhower suspended flights but Soviet was not satisfied. How it impacted Cold War: : It caused the collapse of the summit conference in Paris betwebetween U.S., Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
Who was involved: Germany, Berlin, Soviet Union What happened: This separated West Berlin (U.N.) from East Berlin (Soviet Union), with one road to connect West Berlin to West Germany, that ran through East Germany. When conflict between communist and western allies started, roads were closed which forced western allies to give supplies via airlift. How it impacted Cold War: This further divided communist Russia and westernized government. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Who was involved: Cuba, America, Soviet Union What happened: The Berlin Wall separated West Berlin (U.N.) from East Berlin (Soviet Union), with one road to connect West Berlin to West Germany, which ran through East Germany. When conflict between communist and western allies started, they closed roads which forced western allies to give supplies via airlift. How it impacted Cold War: This further divided communist Russia and westernized government. -
Russia Invades Afghanistan
Who was involved: Soviet Union, Afghanistan, U.S. What happened: Discontent within Afghanistan caused Afghans to divide. The Mujahdeen called Russia for support with overthrowing the Amin government. The Russians shot Amin and replaced him with someone the Afghans didn’t like, which made them turn against the Russians. How it impacted Cold War: The U.S. put a ban on exporting grain to Russia and boycotted the Olympic Games in Moscow. They didn’t intervene because they wanted Russia to suffer.