The Marshall Plan
In 1947 Secretary of State, Marshall, proposed a plan to help Europe economy. Between 1948 and 1951 US gave more than $13 billion to European countries. His plan was succesful and help a lot the economy. -
Creation of NATO
NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Formed in 1949 in Washington D.C. with the agreement of 12 countries. It consisted in a pact that didn't permit to attack each other. Organization against USSR. -
The Korean War
This war was caused by the attack of North Korean's troops to South Korea. U.S. went into the war to help The South against the communism. The war ended in 1953 without starting a World War III. -
Creation of the Warsaw Pact
In 1955 Soviet Union established the Warsaw Pact in contrast with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The warsaw Pact was signed by all the eastern europe countries all unedr Soviet control. It was an act to show the communist power. -
Vietnam war
The Vietnam war began in 1955 and ended in 1975. It was a really hard shot to take for U.S. because they lost this war losing more than 60 thousands americans. U.S. tried to stop the communism increase that time fighting agaisnt North Vietnam and Vietcong(south). -
Soviet launch Sputnik
It was the first satellite sent on the Earth orbit and was a starordinary event because it started the space age. It was something completely new at the World view. It was also a sign of supremacy by Soviet Union against the capitalism of the U.S. -
Bay of Pigs
After Fidel Castro in 1959 took the control of Cuba, U.S. decided to arm people thta were leaving the country cause Castro government, but they lost badly agianst Castro's troops. -
The Berlin Wall goes up
In 1961, east Germany(communist governement in Berlin), erected a wall that divided east form west. This wall symbilized the Iron Curtain that divided west Europe(non communism) from East Europe(Soviet Union communist). -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet Union president in 1962 insatalled a lot of missiles bases on island of Cuba. President Kennedy had to reaveal the news at the americans and put the navy round Cuba to block the costruction of all the bases. Prsident Khrushchev wrote to U.S. president thta Soviet Union removed their bases only if U.S. promised to not attack Cuba again. Both nations agreed with that. -
US sends a man to the moon
1969 Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon follow by Aldrin. US space power. It was something that made the history. -
Olympic Rivalry: 1972 basketball game
It was the basketball olympic final and USA was down the entire game and at the end with 5 seconds left they scored 2 free throws and they were up by one winnign the gold medal. -
USSR invades Afghanistan
This conflict began in 1979 and ende in 1989. The conflict was fought by Soviet Union-Afghan troops against insurgents paid by US and trained in other asian countries. A lot of civilians were killed and in 1988 US, Pakistan, Soviet Union and Afghanistan signed to the reitre of Soviet Union troops and Afghanistan as non-participant state in the war. -
US invades Grenada
US invaded Grenada always to stop communism and sent troops to take the control of the island. U.S. won easily even if Cuban troops were on the island. -
German Reunification/Fall of Berlin Wall
In 1989 the Berlin Wall, thta divided the city in west(U.S.) and eas(Soviet Union), tfinally ended to exist. At the beginning were opened some parts of the wall but day by day they continue to remove parts. German reunification in 1990 when conservative parties won the elections. -
Collapse Of The Soviet Union
Soviet Union was carcked into 15 countries and couldn't fight anymore to impose communism over everybody else. U.S. vicory, symbilized that capitalism won over communism and that was the end of the cold war that was going since the end of the WWII.