Events of the Civil War

By jsanger
  • Abraham Lincoln elected president

    Abraham Lincoln elected president
    Lincoln ran for president against John Brekinridge, John Bell, Stephan A. Douglas. His plan for slavery was that he was going to keep it where it was and wasn't going to let it spread. Lincoln won and was the 16th president of the United States of America.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    Battle at Fort Sumter
    This was the beginning of the American Civil War. It was a conferade victory. The Union surrernder, and bombared Fort Sumter near Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Lincoln orders blockade of the south

    Lincoln orders blockade of the south
    The signifance of this was that it stopped the trade of arms, goods, and other supplies to the confederacy.
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

    1st Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)
    It was the first major battle ground of the Civil War. It was significant because it was the first major victory for the confederacy.
  • Monitor vs. Virginia naval battle

    Monitor vs. Virginia naval battle
    This battle was fought on water. It was an epic battle resulting in a tie. But ships were damaged but the Union was damaged more.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    This was a union victory! Ulysses S. Grant and Don Carlos Buell lead this battle for the union, they had almost 20 thousand more soldiers then the confederate. A significant fact about this battle is that it was an early morning battle so most of the confederates were caught off gaurd making it easier for the Union.
  • Battle at Chattanooga (First)

    Battle at Chattanooga (First)
    This was a Union Victory. This battle was a minor battle and not many people fought at it.This was the start of the assaults that the Union knew they could pull off. Just showing up and making sure almost no one but the president and the soldiers knew about it.
  • 7 Days Campaign

    7 Days Campaign
    The signifance of this battle was that it lasted for 7 days. This was another very important victory for the Conderacy.
  • 2nd Battle of Bull Run (or 2nd battle of Manassas)

    2nd Battle of Bull Run (or 2nd battle of Manassas)
    This was a confederate victory. This battle was twice the size of the first one fought on the same ground one year earlier. The union spilt up and went to attack different areas and ending falling resulting in the conderate winning. This battle was important because it was in the string of wins the conferacy had.
  • Antietam

    This was battle didn't really have a victor; most people say that the union won this, but it is still undecided. The significance of this battle is that is the bloodiest battle in American History. This was the biggest battle to death. More people died in a single day battle here then anywhere else. George B. McClellan lead a group to try to capture a confederate area but failed and almost all of his soldiers died.
  • Emancipation Proclamation issued

    Emancipation Proclamation issued
    The significance of this is that it pushed the southern states to free slaves.
  • Battle at Chancellorsville

    Battle at Chancellorsville
    This was another Confederate Victory. Even though the Union had way more men then the confedate. They played the part better with better tactics. The confederate split up there army and went after the Union from two different sides making it very hard for the Union.
  • Emancipation Proclamation takes effect

    Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
    The Emancipation Proclamation was first suggested by Abraham Lincoln to cripple the confederacy. Now this affect took place. The confederacy could no longer use slaves for labor in the fields.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The union won this battle. The significance of this was that it was amajor turning point in the war. This battle was one of the largest. The battle lasted for 3 days. But the union pulled through to win.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Union Victory! This was the final major American Civil War battle. At one point the Confederates were surrounding the Union, making it hard for General Major Grant to come up with a defence plan. However teh Army of Tennesse came in to help the Union with the battle and they pulled together.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    This was a speech that Abraham Lincoln gave. Which is one of the most known speechs in American History. This was in honor of all the soldiers that had died at the battle at the same spot earlier in the war.
  • Ulysses S. Grant takes over the Union Army

    Ulysses S. Grant takes over the Union Army
    Major General Ulysses S. Grant joined the conferdate army. Leading him to take him to the Union presidentail election.
  • Sherman captures Atlanta

    Sherman captures Atlanta
    The union won this battle! The union attempted to sieze control of the very sucessful railroads near Atlanta. They gained the control of Atlanta.
  • Abraham Lincoln re-elected

    Abraham Lincoln re-elected
    Lincoln was re-elected. He had a lot of torubling during his fourth term, the Civil War had been going on for four years now. The confederacy collapsed five months after he was re-elected. General's had ideas on how to change the Confederate army.
  • Sherman begins march to the sea

    Sherman begins march to the sea
    Major General Sherman marched his troops and the captured troops from Atlanta to Savannah to take over that fort. This is significant becasue he destroyed the most of the souths physical capacity to wage war.
  • Savannah, GA falls to the Union

    Savannah, GA falls to the Union
    Major General Sheeran took over this after his famous "walk" He took over all of Savanah and Savannah was now on the Unions side. This town had many guns and weapons that the Union took that were originally going to the Confederate.
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders

    Robert E. Lee surrenders
    Robert E. Lee from the Confederate side, meets with General Grant and surrenders his side from the war. Resulting in a Union Victory and Slavery ending for good.
  • Abraham Lincoln shot and killed

    Abraham Lincoln shot and killed
    This took place in Washington, DC. The targets were Abraham Lincoln,Andrew Johnson, and William H. Seward. Only Abraham was killed.
  • Union Army moves in and occupies Richmond, VA.

    Union Army moves in and occupies Richmond, VA.
    The confederate army moved from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, VA. The union took over took Richmond. The sinificance of this was that Vigirnia started to lean more on the no slavery side.
  • 13th Amendment passed

    13th Amendment passed
    This amendment outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude, however if it was for punishment it was different. This amdenment had been put into court back in 1864 and it was now finally passes.