Battle of Fort Sumter
This is where the first shots of the American Civilv War were fired. Major Robert Anderson was trampled over Brigader General Pierre Beauregard and his troops. The Confederate victory prooved hope for the rebellion after all. -
the 1st Battle of Bull Run
The main purpose of this battle was to make a pathway to the Confederate Capitol of Richmond, Virginia. However, the Union lost this small battle and this proved that the Confederates F+DID have a chance of winning. -
batttle of the Ironclads (Hampton Roads)
This is the most famous navel battle of the Civil War. Compared to the North's ships, the South had revolutionary ships. The South knew that they would lose that battle. Strategically it was a Union victory. -
Battle of Shiloh
While a series of losses for the Union occured in the east, Ulysses Simpson Grant took many wins in the east for the Union, including the Battle of Shiloh. Grant stomped all over the Confederates under the leadership of Pierre Beauregard. -
2nd Battle of Bull Run
The North and South once again opened fire on Bull Run. tThe South was under the command of General Lee. The North had General Pope. The North had again lost after being attacked by both Jackson's armies, and Lee's armies from the front and the back. -
The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam took place in Sharpsburg, Maryland. The victor of this battle was inconclusive, BUT the Union gained a stratigic advantage... the Confederacy ended up with a whopping total of 23,100 casualties. -
Battle of Fredricksburg
Ambrose E. Burnside took the Union into another plundering defeat to the Confederates after advancing to Fredericksburg. Lee practically tore the army to peices. The Conferderacy had approximately 3/4 the casualties than that of the Union. -
Emancipation Proclamation
On New Years Day of 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation that freed the enslaved persons in the Confederate States only, nowhere else. This was meant to be a military strategy for certain reasons. It encouraged many slaves to run free and join the Union front lines. It also captured the hearts of many and made them want to win even more than they already did. -
Battle of Chancellorsville
The commanders of this battle were
Union: Joseph Hooker/Confederate: Robert Lee, Thomas Jackson
The Confederates won even though they were out numbered 2:1. This battle also started making Europe think of the Confederate States more as a seporate nation...and they were running out of cotton. -
Vicksburg SIege
As General Grant marched onward towards Vicksburg, Mississippi he met up with the Army of the Tennessee lead by Lt. General John C. Pemberton. After Grant had won this battle for the Union, it split the Confederacy in two and also gave them the Mississippi River for their own control, thus fulfilling the Anaconda Plan. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Replacement General George G. Meade was sent to intercept Lee's army. At first it was a small skirmish of 160,000 Americans, but Lee had 25,000 men rush their way to the battle. -
Siege of Atlanta
General William Tecumseh Sherman trudged through 1500 square miles of land to take Atlanta, the Capitol of Georgia, away from John Bell Hood and the Confederacy. The Union just gained even more territory into their control. But at a cost of about 8500 casualties fro the union. -
The Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
After 4 long years of war, Generals Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee met in the parlor of the McLean Household to try and bring the Union back to 1 instead of 2. There were mainly Union officers attending this meeting, only 2 former Confederates attended. All of this fighting lead to Reconstruction and the 13 Amendment. -
Wilkes Booth Assassinates Lincoln
On April 14th,1865, John Wilkes assassinated President Lincoln because he was a loyal Confederate and didn't like Lincoln fro his doings. Only 12 days after his assassination on Lincoln, he was found, tried and killed. -
Ratification of the 13th Amendment
On the 6th of December, 1865, the 13th amendment to the United States Constitution was passed in Congress. This amendment freed all slaves.