American Civil War
Civil War History Channel Video
(My Paragraph is on the Civil War Timespan, right under this) -
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American Civil War
The American Civil war was between the North and South Sides of America. Thirteen of the southern states seceded from the United States and formed the Confedaracy. The north states were known as the Union. The war was fought over the issue of slavery, the South being the “slave” states, and the North against slavery. On April, 9, 1865, Robert E Lee, who commanded the Confederate army, surrendered,and Slavery was abolished. Although this was a huge step, it was not the end of segregation. -
Emancipation Proclomation
Emancipation History Video The Empancition Plocromation was a presedential proclomation that freed all slaves, presented by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, It was as a war measure during the American Civil War. against the south. -
KKK is formed
The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is a violent orginazation that harms Black people. The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee. There were three diffrent Klans originally. This group was known for killing Blacks, burning their homes, and threatening them, which now gave them the title as a Terrorist Organization. Sadly, a version of the KKK is still here today. -
P. B. S. Pinchback is sworn in as the first black member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback (PBS Pinchback) was the first African to become Governor, he was Governor of Louisianna, but only for 15 days, from December 29, 1872, to January 13, 1873. In 1872 he was sworn in the House Of Representatives. He was later elected to the state legislature, serving in 1879-1880. -
Strauder v. West Virginia Case
In the Strauder v. West Virginia, it was ruled that Black people could not be excluded from Juries. Taylor Strauder was a Black man who was convicted of murder by an all-white jury. Strauder appealed his conviction, saying that it violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. -
Plessy VS Ferguson Case
In one of the most important Suoreme Court Cases in the history of America, the Supreme Court "upholded de jure racial segregation of "separate but equal" facilities" Here is the backgroud off the case; In 1896, a man named Homer Plessy boarded a whit only train car, and was arested. Pleesy was 7/8 white and only 1/8 African. Plessy apealed that his 13th and 14th Rights were getting violaed, and he took the ase to the Supreme Court. He won 7 to 1. From then on "Separate but equal" was standard -
Majority of Blacks are literate
After the Civil War, around 30,000 African-American teachers were trained, sent, and put to work in the South. They taught the slaves and other blacks, and by 1900 the majority of blacks had become literate. This was another big step because, due to this blacks could step up peacefully and protect teir rights, in the form of speeches and letters. -
Orlando's First Black Doctor Opens Practice
In Orlando,Florida, the first Black doctore opens up. This is important because it shows how the blacks are starting to do all the things whites can do, and start becoming part of the community. -
Harlem Globetrotters Founded
Harlem Globetrotter PerformanceIn 1926 the Harlem Globetrotters Basketball started, as the Savoy Big Five. Now more than 85 years later, the team has become a very recognizable franchise in sports. The H.G made a big impact during this time as an all black basketball team. This, like the last event, was an important breakthrough for the black people -
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The Great Depression
Great Depression VIdeo The Great Depression, which started right after WWI, was the longest and worst economic downturn in the “Western World.” In The United States it started after the Stock Market crash in 1929. By 1933,13 to 15 million Americans were unemployed. -
The League of Struggle for Negro Rights is founded
In 1930 'The League of Struggle for Negro Rights,' a organization made to help protect Blacks freedom and rights. The orginazation was organized by the Communist Party as the successor to the American Negro Labor Congress. The League helped in organizing support for the "Scottsboro Boys", when nine black men sentenced to death in 1931 for crimes they had not committed.This is important because it is another group of people wiliing ot fight fir equal rightd for Blacks. -
Jesse Owens wins four gold medals.
Jessie Owens History Video
In 1936, at the Berlin Summer Olympics, sprinter, Jesse Owens, won four gold medals, for 100m, long jump, 200m, and 4x100 sprint relay competitions. This proved to everybody (especially Hitler who was trying to prove that the "Aryan" people were the best) that blacks can do just as well and better than whites. -
Dr. Ralph Bunch wins Nobel Peace Prize
IN 1950, Dr. Ralph Bunch, won the Nobel Prize for peace, he was the first Black person to get it. His other accomplishment s include; For more than two decades, Bunche served as chair of the Department of Political Science at Howard University (1928 to 1950), where he also taught. He also served as a member of the Board of Overseers at Harvard University. This was a huge milestone for Black people because the Nobel Prize is a very important and renowned award. -
MLK gets arrested
MLK speaking about his arrestIn 1963 Martin Luther King JR was arrested in Birmingham for "parading without permit." He was actually parading in protest, peacefully, and nonviolently. -
MLK gets Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prize WebsiteMartin Luther King Junior was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for Peace. He is the youngest person (exept for in the recent 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded to MalalaYousafza) to recieve this award, and the third black man. -
Black history month founded
In 1976 black history month was founded to honor all the African Americans who fought for equal rights. It is celebrated annually in the United States and Canada in February, and the United Kingdom in October. Black HIstory Month was founded by " Professor Carter Woodson's Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History." -
Micheal Jacksons "Thriller" Released"
Thriller Music Video
IN 1982, MIcheal Jackson, a black pop artist realeased his sixth studio alb um, "Thriller". This was one more breakthrough for Black people as they are more accepted than before. The "Thriller" album is the best selling album of all time, with 29 million units shipped. It won eight Grammy Awards and was Named Album of the Year in 1982. -
Barrack Obama sworn in as President
On January 20th, 2009, the firsr ever African American President was sorn into Office, as the 44th President; Barrack Obama. This is a huge and one of the final steps for equal rights for Black people.