it was an intellectual movement that focused on people and their minds. It changed the ways people understood issues like liberty and equality -
French & Indian War
The French & Indian War started in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war gave Great Britain a lot territorial gains in North America. -
Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty were a group of instigators in colonial America. They rallied support for colonial resistance through the use of petitions, assemblies, and propaganda, and they sometimes resorted to violence against British officials. -
Stamp act of 1765
The act required the colonists to pay a tax represented by a stamp on various forms of papers, documents, and playing cards. After several months of protests and boycotts that damaged British trade the stamp act was repealed on 18 March 1766. -
Townshend Act of 1767
it was to help pay the expenses involved in governing the American colonies. It initiated taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. -
Boston Massacre
It was a street fight between a patriot mob throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers. The colonists were angry about being unfairly taxed and angry at the British occupation. -
Boston Tea Party
It was a protest where a group of 60 American colonists threw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. American colonists were frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation”. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
New England soldiers faced the British army in a pitched battle. Fighting took place throughout a hilly landscape that were situated across the Charles River from Boston -
Declaration of Independence adopted
The 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. The Declaration summarized the colonists motivations for seeking independence. -
Battle of Yorktown
General George Washington with allied American and French forces made General Charles Lord Cornwallis's British army surrender. This was the final decisive victory by the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. -
Treaty of Paris signed
Ending the War of the American Revolution. Recognized U.S. independence and gave the U.S. significant western territory. -
3/5 Copromise
It determined that three out of every five slaves was counted when determining a states total population for legislative representation and taxation. It also made rules for the number of electoral votes for each state. -
Great Compromise
The Compromise was an agreement made during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It made the upper house have equal representation from each state. -
Constitution is ratified
Members would be reluctant to give up power to a national government. So instead they called for special ratifying conventions in each state. -
Bill of rights adopted
President Washington sent copies of the 12 amendments adopted by Congress to the states. The first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were the bill of rights.