Events of the American Revolution

By zak1337
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord#TheFirstShot TheFirstShot The Battle of Lexington and Concord began in Lexington, a small colonist town. The colonists assembled militiamen and were told not to open fire, but someone did on accident and this caused the British to retaliate and fight back, the British retreated and lost many men. The battle of Concord was when the British went to look for the colonists’ stash of weapons in a town called concord, they went to the city to be driven out by the militia and lose as well.
  • First-Bunker Hill

    oopswronghill... Israel Putnam led a few hundred militiamen up Breed’s Hill. In four hours they had a crude fort. William Howe then ordered his newly arrived troops to launch an immediate attack. As the British drew closer, the militiamen waited until they were nearly on top of them to fire. The sudden shots made the redcoats fall back in confusion. It took until the third attack for the British to finally reach the top of the hill, but this was because the colonists had run out of gunpowder.
  • Turning Point-Saratoga

    Turning Point-Saratoga
    BeatingsForConfidence Burgoyne (a general) and his army finally reached Saratoga Springs on the Hudson River, it was packed with a Militia that easily outnumbered the small British army. Even so, Burgoyne ordered an attack, and after taking quite a beating, he surrendered on October17, 1777. This gave the patriots new confidence about the war, thus making this a turning point in history.
  • Low Point-Valley Forge

    Low Point-Valley Forge
    WorstCampingTripEVAR Washington took his army to Valley Forge to make camp for the winter. The cold weather was brutal, and there was a huge shortage in food and clothing. However, even though they lacked provisions, they grew stronger as Washington put a volunteer, Friedrich Von Steuben, in charge of training the men. This was a low point because the men in Valley Forge were struggling and were not in an advanced position in the war.
  • Government-Articles of Confederation

    Government-Articles of Confederation
    Articles of Confederation#NobodyLikesYouArticlesOfConfederation
    The Second Continental Congress appointed three committees in response to the Lee Resolution. One of these committees, created to determine the form of a confederation of the colonies, was composed of one representative from each colony with John Dickinson, a delegate from Delaware, as the principal writer.
  • Last-Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown#ShoutoutToFrance
    5500 French soldiers docked in Rhode Island to help their American allies against the British in New York City. With additional help from the French West Indies fleet led by Comte De Grasse, the combined armies began to move toward Yorktown, Virginia. They spread false information that they were planning a siege of New York City, as to catch them off guard. De Grasse sailed to the Chesapeake Bay and set up a blockade while Washington surrounded Cornwallis and opened fire.
  • Resolution-Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Resolution-Treaty of Paris of 1783
    Teaty of Paris#OurSufferingIsOver
    The Treaty of Pais of 1783 was signed on September 3, 1783 by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, and David Hartley. This treaty ended the American Revolution and declared the Colonies independence from Great Britain. The Colonists finally got their freedom from Britain