Events of the American Revolution

  • Spark-Lexington and Concord

    Spark-Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord kicked off the American Revolutionary War. Tenisions rose for many years between the residents of the 13 Amercican colonies and the British authorities. Hundreds of British soldiers marched from Boston to Concord to sieze an arms cache. Paul Revere sounded the alarm telling the colonist that the British were coming.

    A confrontation cause fighting. #TheBritisharecoming
  • First-Bunker Hill

    First-Bunker Hill
    When the red-coats reacheed bunker hill the Americans let out with a musket fire. The British were forced to retreat back behind the hill. They tried again and the same results were given. They tried for the third time and beat the Americans because they were low on ammunition. FiretheMusket #YouBetterRetreatBritish #AmericansLowOnAmmunitionNotFair
  • Turning Point-Saratoga

    Turning Point-Saratoga
    1st Battle: A militia of sharpshooters from Virginia attacked the British, while other colonist forces charged into battle with them. #AttackingofMilitiaSharpshooters
    2nd Battle:Burgoyne determined to break free from the colonial forces and drive them from the field. Fighting on horseback, Benedict Arnold fighting was wounded in the leg. BreakfreeBurgoyneItsWhatWeNeed
  • Valley Forge Picture

    Valley Forge Picture
  • Period: to

    Low Point-Valley Forge

    There were many starvations and raw weather stung and numbed the soldiers. There were 1000 deaths from deseases. Conway Cabal removed George Washington from power, was squashed for good. When Washington's army marched out of Valley Forge on June 19, 1778, the men were better disciplined and stronger in spirit than when they had entered. ColdWeatherKillingMe
  • Government-Articles of Confederation

    Government-Articles of Confederation
    The Atricles caused a loose confederation of states and a weak main gonvernment, giving most of the power to the states governments. When the need for a stronger federal government was needed it led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. WeneedstrongerFederalGovernment #YayConstitutionalConvention
  • Yorktown Part 2 and picture

    Yorktown Part 2 and picture
    As of the 28th, Yorktown was besieged and Cornwallis’s troops were completely trapped. The siege lasted until October 17 after enduring bombardment all the time for three weeks. The formal surrender ceremony took place two days later on the 19th, Cornwallis claiming illness unable to attend. WashingtonBeatCornwallisAndCornwallisIsToAshammedTo ShowUpToTheOfficalSurrenderCeremony
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    Last- Yorktown

    1st Part
    This battle effectively closed the American War of Independence. Washington was in command of many allied French and Continental troops and Lord Cornwallis was in command of less British regulars. Cornwallis established his headquarters at Yorktown knowing that French reinforcements and naval support were traveling from present day Haiti. #WahingtonRuledTheTroops #CornwallisThinksHeCanOutsmartWashington
  • Resolution-Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Resolution-Treaty of Paris of 1783
    The Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence.
    #AmericanIndependence #NoMoreWarWithGreatBritain