Events of the American Revolution

By zarat99
  • Spark- Lexington and Concord

    Spark- Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and Concord was a battle faught between the colonist malitia and the British Redcoats. It started with Paul Revere's ride where he warened the militia about the British troops advancing. The militia met the redcoats at a bridge in Concord where a gun was shot. This shot was named the shot heard arround the world. Dosens of people died on both sides. #revolution_about_to_start
  • First- Bunker Hill

    First- Bunker Hill
    Bunker HilThis battle atook place on Breeds Hill a hill next to Bunker Hill but the soliders thaught they were fighting on Bunker hill. The Americans had heard of the British troops advancing to Boston so he lead his troops to Breeds hill where they prepared to fight the British. The British heard about that and then charged at the hill. After 3 charges the British gained the hill and the Americans retreated #get_your_hills_right
  • Start of Battle of Saratoga

    Start of Battle of Saratoga
    Barttle of SaratogaConsists of 2 battles The Battle of Freemans Farm and The battle of Bemis Heights. These battles took place in southern New York but satted in Saratoga when the British wanted to capture New York and isolate the southern colonies. This was the turning point of the war because after the British surrendered at Bemis Heights the French decided to help the Americans. #Now_We_Have_The_French
  • Period: to

    Turning Point- Battle of Sarartoga

    Barttle of SaratogaConsists of 2 battles The Battle of Freemans Farm and The battle of Bemis Heights. These battles took place in southern New York but satted in Saratoga when the British wanted to capture New York and isolate the southern colonies. This was the turning point of the war because after the British surrendered at Bemis Heights the French decided to help the Americans. #Now_We_Have_The_French
  • Start of Valley Forge

    Start of Valley Forge
    Valley forge
    Valley forge was a camp in Pensylvania that housed the Americans durring the winter of 1777 and 1778. The place was ridded with Disease such as Disenatry and Small Pox. 1/5 of all his men dont have shoes and decent clothing is scarce. The Americans learn that spreading the live virus can help stop it from spreading. #we_need_supplies
  • Period: to

    Low Point- Valley Forge

  • Start of Yorktown

    Start of Yorktown
    The American aand French army surrounded the British army at Yorktown. For 11 days the Americans troops attacked the British. Finnally,General Cornwallis surrendered. On October 19 Cornwallis signed the Articles of Capitulation which ended the battle. #don't_mess_with_the_Americans
  • Period: to

    Last- Yorktown

  • Governmnet- Articles of Confederation

    Governmnet- Articles of Confederation
    Articles of Confederation
    This was the document that statted the Americans were free and laid out their government. It said that it would be Legislative and have a Congress. It also said that each state would have a vote in the large government but also have a small state government. #Legislative_government
  • Resolution- Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Resolution- Treaty of Paris of 1783
    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was a document signed by the American colonies and Britian. It stated that the 13 colonies were free and gave no rights to Britian over the government, land or trade of te colonies. It also allowed the colonies to expand West all the way to the Pacific ocean. #the_end_of_the_war