
Events of the American Revolution

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On December 17 1776, at midnight, colonists raided brittish ships owned by the east indi co dressed as native americans. They dumped 352 crates of tea into the harbor.The colonist did this in an act of rebellion agensed the taxs on tea and many other common goods.
  • Lexinton and concord

    Lexinton and concord
    Lexington and concordBritain's General Gage had a secret plan to raid, They would march by sea to lexington. their they would arrest rebal leaders.Than they would march on to concord to seise their guns and gunpowder. But the brittish were in for a suprise, becuse the minut men had set up resestance at lexington and concord. Once the smoke cleared the brittish retreated back to boston and the colonies had their first victory. #itBegins
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Bunker hillOn the night of June 16, 1775, Artemas Ward ordered his rebals set out with guns and shvles to make trenches on bunker hill on the Charleston Peninsula. But in the dead of night the troops mistook the hill and made trenches on breeds hill. This hill was much closer to the brittish camp. On sunrise General William Howe saw the american forces and quickly made plan for an attack to take the hill. After 3 waves of attakes and many casualtys later, the redcoats finilly took the hill. #DumbMajor
  • Battle of saratoga

    Battle of saratoga
    battle video The battle f saratoga was 2 battles spaced 18 days appart. The first took place freemans farm on the outskirts of saratoga. The brittish are sorrounded by the overwellming force of the americans. They are forsed to wait for reinforcements. None came, he launched another attack on bemis hights. But in the end john burgoynehad to sorrender. #weWon!
  • Articals of Confrderation

    Articals of Confrderation
    confedaration The articals of confederation were the first written constitution of the newly freed nation. The finial articals that were sighned by all states were a ratified version of the one John Dickinson of Pennsylvania wrote. all states quickly sighned them into action exept maryland. This was becuse of the issue of bin one of the smallest states and all of the land to the west of the states. #newGoverment
  • Vally Forge

    Vally Forge
    Vally forge video
    The winter at vally forge was one of the worst battles of the revolution. It was not agensed a army of redcoats, but agensed the winter. This proved to be just as deadly as any other battle. As the winter went on supplys like food and blankets went low. gorge washinton satyed in the camp and worked hard to gain supplys.#weWillSurvive
  • Battle of yorktown

    Battle of yorktown
    battle of yorktown The battle at Yourktown was the last battle in the revolutinary war. Gorge washington sorrounded the brittish in yourktown. He had the french ships to ake sure they couldent flee by sea. And the force that he commanded to stop them from fleeing by land. Eventally the brittish serendered and the was was finilly over.
  • The Treaty of paris 1783

    The Treaty of paris 1783
    Treaty of paris With the war finilly ended, the congress is left to pick up the pecis of the new nation. They apponted John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens. But laurenes was bing healed at the tower of london. And jefferson did not leave the united states. So the other three had to go in alone. The treatys were sighed and ratified by 1784.