Spark- Lexington and Concord
<a href='http://http://www.history.com/topics/battles-of-lexington-and-concord'>General Gage made plans to march to Lexington to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock, then to Concord to take the gunpoder, but the plans were leaked by spies. When the British came, Paul Revere made his famous ride and the Minute men came to fight. After the British came the shot heard around the world was fired. The British eventually moved on to Concord, but Americans were there too. The British had to retreat to Boston in the end. #begining -
First- Bunker Hill
<a href='http://http://www.britishbattles.com/bunker-hill.htm' >The Battle of Bunker Hill actually took place on Breed's Hill. The Americans were told to got to Bunker Hill so the British could be bombarded, but misuderstood their orders. Eventually the British marched up the hill to take it over. By the third wave, the Americans were running low on ammuntition. It led uo to hand to hand fighting, and the British won but ended with many casualties. #wronghill -
Turning Point- Saratoga
http://www.history.com/topics/battle-of-saratoga/videos#battle-of-saratoga-turns-the-tide-of-the-american-revolutionThe Battle of Saratoga was a major event in the war, and it was a turning for the Americans. After the Battle of the Brandywine, the Americans were really more on moral, had suffered setbacks, and had flead to a spot close to Saratoga. The British soon marched up to fight them, and to their suprise, they lost. The British ended up surendering, and hightening the spirits of the American Patriots. #beatthatbrits -
Government-Articles of Confederation
http://history.state.gov/milestones/1776-1783/ArticlesThe Articals of Confederation gave America a weak central government, and was overall the complete opposite of Britain's constitution. Most of the power went to the state governments and gave them their own power. The need for a stronger central government increase and the Articals of Conferderation were eventually replaced. #failure -
Low Point- Valley Forge
http://www.history.com/news/235-years-ago-washingtons-troops-made-camp-at-valley-forgeValley Forge was a fort on the top of a hill that was near the Schuylkill River. It was easy enough to defend and yet close enough to the British to pressure them. It was the low point in the war though. Many soldiers were seriously considering leaving the army. The army had little money, and the winter was rough. Thomas Paine's speach inspired many soldiers who considered leaving to stay and fight #insparation -
http://www.nps.gov/york/index.htmThe battle that ended the war. The final battle of the American Revolution took place in Yorktown, which is where British troops were camping. General Washington and the French had trapped the British there, and there was no escape. They were surrounded by land and the York River was cut off. General Cornwallis wasn't able to get reinforcements, so he was forcd to surrender. #for'merica -
Resolution- Treaty of Paris 1783
http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=6This treaty ended the Revolutionary War. Signed in 1783 by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Henry Laurens for the United States and Richard Oswald for great Britain. This treaty is named after the place it was signed. It was ratified by Congress in early 1784. #freedomatlast