
Events of the American Revolution

By psp4130
  • Lexington & Concord- The Spark

    Lexington & Concord- The Spark
    Lexington & Concord trivia!In the early morning of 1775, General Gage sends out regiments of British troops to the countryside to capture two colonial leaders and their gunpowder. But, Paul Revere and two other riders warn the countryside before they get there. When the Redcoats get to Lexington they find themselves face-to-face with colonial minutemen- miltias. Few shots were fired then the Brits started to retreat to Boston. They suffered 125 casualties provided by the minute men. #ShotHeardroundtheworld
  • Bunker Hil- The First Battle

    Bunker Hil- The First Battle Bunker Hill7/16 - the Americans march across Boston to their destination of Bunker Hill.But, the troops misunderstood and marched to Breed's Hill.The next morning, the British are stunned to see the looming Americans and thier military advantage.But at the time, British military customs requrired them to attack first.So, they stormed the hill, but the Americans fired upon them when they were 15 paces away.But, they soon ran out of ammo.The British took the hill that day but with a lot of deaths #beprepared
  • Saratoga- Turning Point

    Saratoga- Turning Point
    More Info on SaratogaGeneral Burgoyne's army takes the offensive and attacks the Americans. They clashed on the south side of the town of Saratoga. Burgoyne's army ended up losing 86% of their comand that day. This victory gave new hope to the Americans because they had just suffered the loss of Philidelphia to the British. But, because of this victory, the France decided to ally with them. #Muricanhope
  • Valley Forge- low point

    Valley Forge- low point
    Liberty's Kids: Valley Forge1777- Washington's army advances to Philidelphia to evade the impending British. For the winter encapment, general Washington chooses Valley Forge to keep pressure on the British. Although stories depict terrible conditions, many soldiers were supplied. But, this is a low point because the morals of the American men started to drop. They were mad because they joined the army for money and rewards and freezing tempurtures are all they're getting. #letitsnow
  • The Articles of Confederation- Government

    The Articles of Confederation- Government
    TAC Bug match gameWiht the Articles of Confederation, the states were made as independent as possible, thus making the entire country weak. They could not impose taxes, there was no court system, and all amendments required a unanimous vote, Because of this, states often argued amonst themselves. Basically, they were trying to be as much unkike Britain as they could. This continued for 9 years until the Constitution was created. #FAIL
  • Yorktown: Last Battle

    Yorktown: Last Battle
    School House Rock: The Amrican RevolutionEarlier, the French commander of a French fleet chose the mouth of the Cheasapeake bay as his base just as General Cornwallis was choosing Yorktown. Washington then took action. He ordered Lafayette, a commander of 5,000 Patriots and the French fleet to completely block Cornwallis' escape. After 3 weeks of non-stop bombardment, Cornwallis finally declared defeat and surrrendered. #teamwork
  • Treaty of Paris 1783- The Resolution

    Treaty of Paris 1783- The Resolution
    [ Treaty of Paris 1783](http:/ Treaty of Paris negotiations were conducted in Paris by Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. This treaty stated that the British must recognize the American's independence, that American fishermen were allowed to fish along Canadian shores and that America gets all land towards the Missisippi. For America's part, they stopped the persecution of loyalists and retured confiscated property. #happyending