Events of the American Revolution

  • Lexington and Concord - Spark

    Lexington and Concord - Spark
    More info On April 18, 1775, British troops marched from Boston to Concord in order to seize colonial weapons. Paul Revere and others warned people about the British. In response, colonial troops began forming a plan to stop the British. The battle started in Lexington where the British won. But by the time the Redcoats arrived at Concord, colonists were prepared and they won. #Nope
  • Battle of Bunker Hill - First Battle

    Battle of Bunker Hill - First Battle
    More info The British defeated the colonists. Despite the inexperienced colonists losing, they managed to cause several casualties against the Redcoats. It was also a confidence-boosting experience for the colonists. Although the battle is called the Battle of Bunker Hill, it was actually fought on Breed's Hill. #BritainWonButColonistsWereLikeHaha
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    Battles of Saratoga - Turning Point

    More info The Battle(s) of Saratoga were considered a major turning point in the American Revolution. The two major battles, the Battle of Freeman's Farm and the Battle of Bemis Heights, convinced France that they should enter the war as an ally of America. In the Battle of Freeman's Farm, the British lost two men for every American lost. But the Battle of Bemis Heights forced the British to retreat for good. #TheWar'sTideHasTurned
  • Battle of Saratoga Picture

    Battle of Saratoga Picture
  • Articles of Confederation - Government

    Articles of Confederation - Government
    More infoThe Articles of Confederation were the government proposed by Americans after the war was over. While this was adopted on Novemember 15, 1777, it was not ratified by all 13 states until March 1, 1781. However the Articles of Confederation created a very loose government and did not fully unify the newborn United States, and the need for a new government was soon clear. #ThisIsOurGovtButWeNeedANewOne
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    Valley Forge - Low Point

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    Although no battle was actually fought at Valley Forge, the Continental Army was in despair - many died due to the lack of supplies and the cold, and many more wanted to leave. But the men held out. An alliance with France was made. Supplies finally came around. The weather brightened. And 6 months later, Americans marched out of Valley Forge much more ready to fight the British than they had before. #ReadyToFight
  • Valley Forge Quote

    Valley Forge Quote
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown - Last

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    By this time the French had allied with the Americans. George Washington commanded the Americans and Lieutenant Gen. de Rochambeau commanded the French.The British were led by Major General Lord Cornwallis. The Americans/French lay siege to Cornwallis' troops until the British, without reinforcements, surrendered. #siegetillsurrender
  • Yorktown Picture

    Yorktown Picture
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783 - Resolution

    Treaty of Paris of 1783 - Resolution
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    The Treaty of Paris of 1783 officially ended the war between Britain and America, and it recongnized the United States of America as an independent nation. It also allowed America to now expand its territory - so the Proclamation of 1763 now meant nothing. #TheWarIsOverAndThisLandIsOursMWAHAHA