Spark--Lexington and Concord
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The patriots were not yet ready to fight, but the minutemen were able to fight at a minutes notice! This first “Spark” encouraged the patriots to start the fight! It is a myth that Revere and other riders shouted, "The British are coming!" This warning would have confused many of the Americans living in the countryside who still considered themselves British. Piezoelectric Starter -
First Battle--Bunker Hill
American troops acting under orders from Artemas Ward moved out of their camp, carrying picks, shovels, and guns. They entrenched themselves on a rise located on Charleston Peninsula overlooking Boston. Their goal Bunker Hill. This is considered the wrong hill because the real battle was at Breed’s Hill, a similar hill closeby… This was technically the first battle in the Revolution! Wrong Hill -
Turning Point--The Battle of Saratoga
On October 17, 1777, 5,895 British and Hessian troops surrendered their weapons. General John Burgoyne had lost 86 percent of his force that had triumphantly marched into New York from Canada in the early summer of 1777.
This is called the turning point because it actually turned the result of the war! Year Confusion -
Period: to
Low Point--Valley Forge
The morale of the American soldiers reached an all time low during the winter of 1777-78. The British soldiers marched into Philadelphia the previous autumn. When they swept it clean the Americans had to flee to Lancaster then to York… Holey-Shoes -
Government--Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation were written during the war and was written in a way to raise morale, and to scare Britain, and to ultimately help… But they made the huge mistake in doing everything the opposite of Britain. Hence messing everything up.. Fail! -
Last Batle--Yorktown
The French navy was disrupting the British blockade. French commanders such as Lafayette and Rochambeau earned the respect and admiration of the American troops.Cornwallis hoped to keep his men in the Chesapeake town until fresh supplies and reinforcements could arrive from Britain. Then the French and West Indians ambushed cornwallis’s men, and ultimately ended up winning this skirmish! The World Turned Upside Down -
Resolution--Treaty of Paris of 1783--
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay met with the British in the hopes of securing a peace treaty. The Americans played off European rivalries to reach a compromise.
In the 1783 Treaty of Paris the British agreed to admit American independence as far west as the Mississippi River. Papercuts!